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Panicked students hang off edge of building to hide from gunman who opened fire at university

Panicked students hang off edge of building to hide from gunman who opened fire at university

The gunman killed at least 14 people

A harrowing photograph has shown the scene of a mass shooting at a Prague university.

David Kozak, a student at Charles University, opened fire at the Faculty of Arts building yesterday (December 21).

Videos online have shown people fleeing the area in a panic in what has since been declared as the Czech Republic’s deadliest mass shooting.

The ordeal took place around 3pm local time, with Kozak killing at least 14 people and injuring 25 others.

The BBC reports that police confirmed that the gunman later shot and killed himself after seeing that police were encircling him 'from all directions'.

Authorities also believe that Kozak was behind another shooting in his hometown of Hostoun, just west of Prague, where his father was killed.

People near to the incident documented the events.

Following the search of his home, police suspect he was behind the murder of another man and his two-month-old daughter on December 15 as well.

Police Chief Martin Vondrasek described Kozak as an excellent student who didn't have a previous criminal record.

He was a student in the philosophy department of Charles University.

Kozak was the legal holder of several firearms, and isn't believed to have been linked to any terrorist groups.

Students were hanging off the edge of the building.

During the ordeal, someone nearby the Faculty of Arts building captured the moment a handful of students held on for their lives as they hid on a balcony edge.

In the wake of yesterday's tragic events, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala has taken to social media to thank people for their support.

"I would like to thank for all the expressions of condolences and support to the people of the Czech Republic after today's shooting at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University," he wrote.

"It is very important for us in these difficult moments and we appreciate it very much."

Many have lit candles in tribute to those who died.
MICHAL CIZEK/AFP via Getty Images

In a new update issued today (December 22), Fiala said: "An investigation is ongoing at this time and it is in everyone's interest to clarify and investigate the smallest details of what happened yesterday and what led up to it."

Elsewhere, Prague police have confirmed that they have now 'adopted nationwide preventative measures in relation to soft targets and schools'.

They also issued a stark warning that some people have reportedly been inspired by Kozak's actions.

Police tweeted: "Since yesterday, we have registered several specific cases of people who were (allegedly) inspired by the terrible act and want to follow it."

The authorities have urged people to call 158 if they wish to register something like this in their area, and insisted that they'll 'respond immediately'.

Featured Image Credit: CZECH POLICE/ havranekivo/Instagram

Topics: News, World News, Police, Crime