A clueless guy walked up to Suki Waterhouse and asked for her number, clearly not knowing who she, or her boyfriend was.
It's one thing to shoot your shot but lightly jogging after someone at a gas station is another kettle of fish.
Especially when that someone is one half of an already pretty famous couple.
Check it out:
It all started when Suki, who is a model, actor and singer, was at a gas station with her friend.
The guy came up to her and tried to chat her up, so she says 'bye honey,' (pretty self-explanatory) and she walked away.
Her friend even managed to capture her 'wtf' look on camera, but that's not where this story ends.
He then proceeds to lightly jog after Suki and ask for her number but she explains that she does, in fact, have a boyfriend.
Her friend then shared the video on TikTok, with the caption: "when a man is trying to hit on you but all you want to find is a med man."

If, at this point, you're wondering just who Suki's boyfriend is - it's none other than Robert Pattinson.
Yep, Batman is her boyfriend and we're imagining that the guy is feeling a little like a joker right now.
See what we did there?
Of course, people were quick to comment on TikTok, with one user saying what we were all thinking: "I have a boyfriend....... he's Batman."
While one wanted to see a scene straight out of Gotham play out: "Was expecting to hear the Batmobile start up at the end" and honestly we'd love to see him casually pull up alongside them."

Another said: "i’m literally dating edward from twilight". To be fair, we're imagining that guy is pretty firmly team Jacob right about now.
One other wanted to see how it all panned out: "someone find this man i need a reaction to him finding out not only who she is but who her boyfriend is lmao."
While one seconded that opinion: "i would pay BIG money to see that guys reaction when he went home and googled who her boyfriend is."
Almost as spectacular as Robert's sparkly skin in Twilight.
All jokes aside, we're kind of hoping Suki showed him this clip of her curving that guy.
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Topics: Celebrity, News, TikTok, Sex and Relationships, Robert Pattinson