Topics: Kanye West, Friends, Celebrity, Instagram
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Topics: Kanye West, Friends, Celebrity, Instagram
Courteney Cox has made clear her shock and disapproval after Kanye West shared an Instagram post admitting he didn't think Friends was funny.
As one of the most successful and long-running sitcoms out there, it's no secret Friends was a hit. People still continue to laugh at Chandler's jokes and Joey's cluelessness almost 20 years after the show came to an end, but this week Kanye emphasised that he is not one of those people.
His revelation came in a since-deleted Instagram post in which he tried to set the record straight about some of his past tweets, claiming they hadn't all been written by him. At first it looked like the rapper might announce himself as a fan of Friends, but it didn't turn out that way.
See what actually happened below:
With Kanye's track 'Heartless' playing in the background, Cox filmed herself coming across Kanye's post which began 'this was not from me'.
"Someone copied my style of text and wrote something not funny," he continued. "I know you guys gonna be disappointed but I actually didn't write the teeet [sic] that said 'Friends wasn't funny either'."
If Kanye's sentence had ended there, it might have actually been quite a nice redemption implying that he didn't agree with the tweet about Friends. Unfortunately, however, it didn't end there.
He added: "But I wish I had I'd love to know who thought of that."
The comment went on, but that was all Cox needed to see. She zoomed in on the words 'Friends wasn't funny' while raising her eyebrows in shock, before abruptly walking over to her speakers and cutting Kanye's music off without a second thought.
Alongside the video, she wrote: "I bet the old Kayne thought Friends was funny [sad face]."
Kanye's revelation is just one of a series of claims he's made on Instagram recently, when he returned to discuss his business ventures before turning his attention to his family and apparent 'addiction' to porn.
“Don’t let Kris [Jenner] make you do playboy like she made [Kylie Jenner] and Kim do,” he wrote in another since-deleted post. "Hollywood is a giant brothel Pornography destroyed my family I deal with the addiction Instagram promotes it. Not gonna let it happen to Northy and Chicago," he added.
Kanye hasn't responded to Cox's reaction video; instead his most recent post shows him hugging his children and claiming they have 'no idea what daddy has gone through this past few days alone'.
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