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Elon Musk Goes Private On Instagram

Elon Musk Goes Private On Instagram

Tesla CEO and Founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk, has made his Instagram account private.

Tesla CEO and Founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk, has made his Instagram account private.

As well as being known as the world's current richest man, business magnate Musk also maintains a pretty active presence on social media, often taking to Twitter to post cryptic messages, or to take aim at other high profile figures, such as US Senator Bernie Sanders.

However, while not looking like he'll give up his public Twitter tirades anytime soon, Musk has made his platform on Instagram private.

Elon Musk. (Alamy)
Elon Musk. (Alamy)

A post on his favourite platform, particularly for baffling followers, from several years ago seems to illustrate Musk's love-hate relationship with Instagram.

The post, from August 2018, saw Musk state: 'Instagram is so thirsty, yet gives you Death by Water.'

Musk's quote of 'Death by Water' appears to refer to TS Eliot's poem The Waste Land.

The Tesla CEO shared a screenshot of the Wikipedia page of Eliot's notes on the poem.

The poem, largely regarded as one of the greatest in history, focuses on the idea of loss, having been inspired by Eliot's time serving in the First World War.

And it appears that Musk's relationship with Instagram has always been more hate than love.

Now, if you wish to follow Musk's main Instagram account, according to his biography on the platform, you have to, 'Follow @elonmusknft to be accepted'.

As of today, March 4, Musk's Instagram account currently has around half a million followers, 409 posts and only follows one other account – presumably the NFT account linked in his bio.

The NFT Instagram account for the SpaceX founder, which is also private, currently has nearly 10,000 followers at the time of writing.

It has around 70 posts and is following roughly 400 other accounts.

It's biography reads: 'Launch 04/20' and '5,000 unique Elon Musk #NFTs,' along with a link to instant messaging platform, Discord.

Elon Musk makes his Instagram private. (@elonmusk/Instagram)
Elon Musk makes his Instagram private. (@elonmusk/Instagram)

While the Tesla CEO's intentions and reasoning behind the privatising of his main Instagram account and creation of the NFT account remain ambiguous, one thing's for sure, Musk certainly does move in mysterious ways.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy/Elon Musk/Instagram

Topics: Elon Musk, Instagram