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Jeff Bezos uses bizarre two-pizza rule to stop Amazon employees from time-wasting

Jeff Bezos uses bizarre two-pizza rule to stop Amazon employees from time-wasting

Don't even think about ordering a third if you want to stay in Jeff Bezos' good books

Amazon has a two-pizza per team rule. And no, it isn’t because Jeff Bezos can’t afford any more.

It's actually because of a rule put into place by the founder himself - and I'm sure you have questions.

Does the two pizza rule take factors like toppings, crust type, or pizza size into consideration? Are people limited to a certain amount of slices?

All very important details to debilitate over, but while we can’t tell you what exactly these pizzas entail, we can tell you that the rule has often been described as one of the billionaire CEO’s many ‘keys’ to success.

It's actually quite simple — the theory goes that every team at Amazon should be small enough that it can only be fed with two pizzas, supposedly to help ensure a team’s maximum efficiency.

It's particularly used across Amazon’s Web Services, and the logic goes that a smaller team is more likely to stay focused, have a clearer idea of what they’re supposed to do each day, and waste less time in meetings by virtue of always being in contact with each other.

Amazon's two-pizza rule ensures maximum productivity. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
Amazon's two-pizza rule ensures maximum productivity. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

According to an actual website by Amazon’s Web Services that details the ins and outs of the pizza rule, a smaller team can also lead to an increase in individual productivity. This means you’re less likely to rely on your teammates throughout the day and more so on yourself to be the best, most productive version of yourself to get the work done each day.

Now you’re probably asking yourself — how many people do two pizzas actually feed?

You're only having two. (Lane Turner/The Boston Globe via Getty)
You're only having two. (Lane Turner/The Boston Globe via Getty)

Well, apparently these teams consist of ten people or less.

If a team ever starts growing beyond that, Amazon will create a whole other two-pizza team with a different objective to ensure that everyone stays lazer-focused.

All of this is an effort to ensure that each team spends more time with customers, knowing exactly what they need and how to improve Amazon’s services on their behalf.

Now in Bezos’ defense, the two-pizza system does make some sense, but there are too many loopholes in the metrics of the pizza itself.

Are the team members supposed to feel full after? If so, has he considered that one person can body one pizza by themselves if it’s just that kind of day?

Anyhow, it seems there was method to the madness.

Featured Image Credit: Getty/Alex Wong/Getty/Westend61

Topics: Jeff Bezos, Amazon