Mark Wahlberg has opened up about his relationship with God.
It's fitting Wahlberg recently took on the titular role in Father Stu given his own strong beliefs in Catholicism.
On Wednesday 22 February - a.k.a Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the Christian calendar - the 51-year-old actor visited NBC's Today programme, sporting a cross drawn with ash on his forehead.
Wahlberg spoke out about how his religious beliefs have impacted him as a person, his relationships and his career as an actor. Catch the interview here:
Despite his strong religious beliefs, Wahlberg noted he doesn't 'want to jam it [Catholicism] down anybody's throat'.
However, he doesn't 'deny [his] faith' and said: "It’s a balance."
The actor continued: "You know, it’s not popular in my industry, but I cannot deny my faith. It’s important for me to share that with people.
"But, I have friends from all walks of life and all different types of faiths and religions, so it’s important to respect and honour them as well."

Wahlberg's children aren't forced to follow Catholicism just because their father does, however, they are made to respect Wahlberg's practising of the religion.
"They know that Dad can’t start the day without being in prayer, can’t start the day without reading my Scripture or going to Mass," Wahlberg continued.
"And hopefully, instead of forcing that on them, they’ll say, ‘Well, if it works for Dad, maybe it’ll work for us,’ and they’ll kind of gravitate towards it on their own."

Wahlberg started fasting for Lent yesterday, although he notes there are 'many different elements to fasting' and it should be considered flexible, for example if someone has 'issues with food'.
The 51-year-old explained: "God knows the things that he wants you to detach from. We all know those things that make us feel guilty, don’t make us feel as good as we should. So [it's about] being able to detach from those things and focus on good habits as opposed to bad habits.
"There are challenges for fasting, like today, I won’t have any meat. I’ll have one meal today, and I’ll do that every Friday throughout Lent and Good Friday."

Wahlberg's exercising of discipline in following Catholicism has aided him in his professional career as an actor too.
He resolved: "Once I started getting into movies and transitioned from music, I realised I needed a lot of discipline in my life, and that discipline has afforded me so many other things.
"I’ve been rewarded for it so much, and I want to share that with people, whether that’s with fasting, working out more, detaching from other things and just spending more time with God, in prayer or in thoughtful reflection. Those things are important.
"We’ve all had things and issues in our lives, and we want to be better versions of ourselves, and through focusing on my faith, it’s allowed me to do that."
Topics: Mark Wahlberg, Celebrity, Film and TV