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Ariana Grande explains why her voice changed mid-interview after leaving fans baffled

Ariana Grande explains why her voice changed mid-interview after leaving fans baffled

Viewers were left baffled by Grande's changing voice but the singer argued it's nothing new

Ariana Grande has offered up an explanation to fans after footage of her speaking with Penn Badgley left viewers completely confused.

It sometimes can be jarring to hear singers speaking in their regular voices - Adele's strong accent is one example that springs to mind - but it wasn't an accent that had fans asking questions this time.

Instead, Grande left fans baffled after she appeared to 'change' her voice while speaking with the You star on an episode of his podcast, Podcrushed, about her career and her upcoming movie, Wicked.

Though we're used to hearing Grande singing more than engaging in regular conversation, fans were still surprised when they heard her speaking in a deeper tone than they're used to.

Things only got more strange when she suddenly switched to a higher-pitched voice, prompting a lot of viewers to share their confusion on social media.

Viewers were entirely baffled by the 'voice change'. (X/Podcrushed/YouTube)
Viewers were entirely baffled by the 'voice change'. (X/Podcrushed/YouTube)

"This voice change is sending me [crying emojis] regular Ariana was coming out for a second," one person wrote.

A clip of the interview, captioned 'the voice change??', ended up catching Grande's attention after doing the rounds online, and with so many people asking the same question, the singer decided to offer up an explanation.

She responded to the video in a comment, explaining the change was conscious and purposeful.

Grande wrote: "[It's a] habit (speaking like this for two years) and also [for] vocal health. I intentionally change my vocal placement (high/low) often depending on how much singing I'm doing."

Pointing out it was nothing new, she added: "I've always done this BYE."

Grande responded to the questions in a comment. (Instagram)
Grande responded to the questions in a comment. (Instagram)

Grande revealed in the interview that she has been doing a lot of singing in recent weeks - despite only having released her last album in March.

"I went to the studio the day after the Met [Gala] and stayed for, like, 10 days and I was literally living there," she told Badgley.

"I've been writing a lot, and maybe there's more. I would like to do a deluxe at some point."

A lot of Grande's fans jumped to her defence after people questioned her voice change, with one person encouraging people to get over it.

Ariana Grande indicated she'd been singing a lot recently. (Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue)
Ariana Grande indicated she'd been singing a lot recently. (Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue)

"This discourse y’all have about ariana’s voice every week is so tired like wdgaf we get she has 2 different voices move on [sic]," one wrote.

Another agreed, writing: "i genuinely refuse to believe that this many people are p**sed off by ariana's speaking voice like GODDAMN is it that serious."

Fans will soon get to hear a lot more of both speaking and singing from Grande as she's set to appear in the role of Glinda in the movie version of the musical Wicked.

Featured Image Credit: Podcrushed via YouTube

Topics: Ariana Grande, Podcast, Music, Celebrity, Viral