Mark Zuckerberg didn’t seem to pull any punches when offering advice to his 7 year-old daughter after making a comment most parents hear.
Getting advice from one of the pioneering minds of the 21st century - when it comes to technology - is a pretty great opportunity.
Just for clarity, we are talking about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg here.
The tech mogul’s three daughters, Maxima, Aurelia and August all have a great opportunity to learn from their father, regardless of their age, at least according to Zuckerberg.
While speaking on the Acquired Podcast, Zuckerberg told a room full of people some words of wisdom. One question in particular seemed to remind him of a lesson he attempted to teach his second oldest daughter, 7-year-old August.
He was asked by the hosts what advice would he give to new entrepreneurs and founders trying to make their own mark in the industry.

Funnily enough, this kind of tied into a lesson he tried to teach his daughter when she said she wanted to be like music pop-star, Taylor Swift.
Zuckerberg said: “One day, my daughter. We took her to a Taylor Swift concert and she was like, ‘You know Dad, I kind of want to be like Taylor Swift when I grow up.
“I was like, ‘But you can’t. That’s not available to you.
“She thought about it and she’s like, ‘Alright when I grow up I want people to want to be like August Chan Zuckerberg,’”
With the proudest fatherly smile, Zuckerberg then just added he was like ‘hell yeah, hell yeah.'
Admittedly, I didn’t get it at first. I mean if you are the daughter of a billionaire, you probably have the means to get your way into the music industry and try your hand at a singing career.

But explaining a bit more during the podcast, Zuckerberg added: “Part of what I am trying to say is, I think there are different ways to build stuff.
“Our way worked for me and our team, and different things have clearly worked for other companies, I dont know.
“I think it is like, learn from other peoples successes and failures but do your own thing,”
Now that sounds like a rather good message to teach your daughter, and with context is a lot less brutal than suggesting to your child they will simply never be the successful, billionaire superstar that is Taylor Swift.
Topics: Mark Zuckerberg, Taylor Swift, Celebrity, Parenting