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Woody Harrelson reveals why he hasn’t owned a cell phone in three years

Woody Harrelson reveals why he hasn’t owned a cell phone in three years

The Hunger Games actor went cold turkey after noticing some unnerving habits

Most people would struggle to imagine a life without a cell phone, but Woody Harrelson has happily lived without one for three years and counting.

If you're under the age of 25 or so, chances are the very thought of trying to go without a cell phone might make you feel anxious.

How would you wake up in the morning? How would you take pictures? How would you know which directions to take?

Cell phones have definitely made life easier, but believe it or not, we can live without them, and Harrelson proves it.

The 62-year-old actor spoke about his decision in an episode of the Where Everybody Knows Your Name podcast, where co-host Ted Danson told listeners: "Let me explain something about Woody: He doesn’t have a phone."

Danson continued: "He’s one of those bullies in life that make other people carry his phone for him. ‘Hey, we need to know something immediately, call Woody.’ And I just kinda laugh at whoever says that to me.”

Though Harrelson argued Danson's claims weren't 'exactly true', he did admit that he's not a huge fan of being available at every given moment.

Harrelson doesn't want to be reached every second. (Kate Green/Getty Images for Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures UK)
Harrelson doesn't want to be reached every second. (Kate Green/Getty Images for Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures UK)

He said. “I just don’t like to have to be readily available to any human being at any time. And plus, that’s not the reason. I like to be in touch with people, in a way, but I don’t like the appendage on my appendage.”

Harrelson's original decision to give up his phone came when he found himself spending too much time on the device, prompting him to start limiting his usage.

“I made a thing where I’m like, ‘Okay, I’m gonna set a two-hour limit on my phone,'” he recalled. “It’s like 9:30[am]. I’ve already hit my limit at 9:30. So I woke up and I’ve been on it two hours already, because you know how it can just keep going and going.”

Harrelson would be texting endlessly, and would even rely on his phone whenever there was a 'lull in the conversation'.

Harrelson began relying on his phone too much. (Getty Stock Photo)
Harrelson began relying on his phone too much. (Getty Stock Photo)

“I never used it as a phone, ever,” he said. “Texting.”

After Harrelson decided to go cold turkey, Danson admitted he was impressed by his fellow actor's willpower.

“I admire what you do with phones, by the way, Woody. I need to emulate that," he said.

It's definitely impressive that he's been able to live without the device, though I'm not sure the lifestyle would be one for everyone.

Featured Image Credit: Paul Morigi/Getty Images for HBO/Getty stock image

Topics: Technology, Health, Celebrity