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Roseanne Barr hits out at Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel after he offered 'compassion'

Roseanne Barr hits out at Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel after he offered 'compassion'

Roseanne is using her new platform to talk about cancel culture.

Roseanne Barr has a new platform on Fox and she's using it to call out cancel culture - and Jimmy Kimmel, apparently.

If you're wondering who Roseanne Barr is, it's probably because she hasn't been on television for a few years.

The comedian and former presidential candidate used to have her own show on ABC, but the network fired her in 2018 after she posted a racist tweet about Barack Obama's adviser Valerie Jarrett.

At the time, she argued she hadn't realised Jarrett was Black - or as she put it herself: 'I thought the b*tch was white!' - but it was too late and Roseanne was taken off air.

Now, Roseanne has found a new home for her rants about cancel culture on Fox Nation - where else?

In her show show, named Cancel This!, Roseanne will follow in the footsteps of other problematic comedians like Louis C.K and Dave Chapelle and primarily discuss her own cancellation and the so-called the 'snowflake' generation.

Charming stuff.

Anyway, in this week's episode, Roseanne went on a rampage about her own cancellation, arguing that even though ABC know that she 'had made a mistake', the network 'did not allow [her] to go on any of their other shows and apologise for it'.

Then she seemingly decided to try and take other celebs down with her, pointing to Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman, who once appeared together in blackface for a comedy sketch.

Roseanne Barr has a comedy show on Fox Nation five years after she was dropped from ABC.
Fox Nation

"Jimmy Kimmel and his [ex] girlfriend, Sarah Silverman, they did blackface, and [ABC] never even said ‘It is wrong that you did that.' And they just let that go," she complained.

It's true, Jimmy did appear in blackface once while dressed up as NBA star Karl Malone - and the photos resurfaced in 2020.

Speaking to The Daily Beast when the damning pictures started doing the rounds online, Jimmy admitted that the photos were 'embarrassing', but he wondered about the 'intentions' of the people who were drawing attention to it.

"It was coming from the Donald Trump Jr.’s of the world, people who do a tremendous amount of damage to this country in order to elevate themselves and to make themselves famous and to make money,” he claimed.

Jimmy Kimmel got called out by Roseanne Barr on her new show.
Jimmy Kimmel Live

“And it just seemed like things were taken out of context and I wanted to put them back into context and move past it."

What's interesting about Roseanne coming for Kimmel like this, is that two years before Jimmy's blackface photos resurfaced, Jimmy was one of the few celebrities fighting Roseanne's corner after she was dropped by ABC.

He tweeted at the time: "What [Roseanne] said is indefensible, but angrily attacking a woman who is obviously not well does no good for anyone.

"Please take a breath and remember that mental health issues are real. The Roseanne I know could probably use some compassion and help right now."

Jimmy Kimmel spoke out for Roseanne when she was dropped by ABC at the time.

Maybe she conveniently let that slip her mind.

Elsewhere in her new show, Roseanne goes on various rampages about 'kids today', gender pronouns, liberals, and all that wonderful, wholesome stuff.

So, what I'm saying is, Jimmy Kimmel - and whoever else Roseanne might try to throw under the bus - needn't worry too much. It doesn't look like many people will be tuning in.

Featured Image Credit: Fox News / REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo

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