We really do learn something new everyday, and today people are just discovering a sport that sounds like something fresh from the Renaissance fair.
If the Olympics were anything to go by, there are way too many sports for any one person to remember.
From Futsal to Nordic Combined, Wushu and Luge - all of which are real sports by the way - one that you might be less likely to have heard of is Armored MMA.
And it's actually a very well-established sport that draws in thousands of fans.

Armored MMA - officially called HMB which stands for Historical Medieval Battle according to a website dedicated to the sport - was established in 1995 in Eastern Europe and has since become a worldwide phenomenon.
The sport combines 'fencing techniques with Judo, Muay Thai, and other martial arts moves - all wearing a full suit of steel armor'.
Oh yeah, and there's weapons like blunted swords and spears. I mean, they have measures to make them safe to use, but it still might make you think twice before joining in.
Although it doesn't sound like the easiest sport to participate in, if the videos are anything to go by it's bloody entertaining to watch.
Not unlike the more widely known MMA, making it as a 'good fighter' in HMB requires some similar disciplines.
In order to be a good fighter their website states: "Regular training, patience and a willingness to learn.
"Leave your ego at the door, watch and listen carefully."
Sounds like good advice for life if you ask me.
Despite being around for nearly three decades, people couldn't believe what they were seeing, and if you didn't know any better you'd think this was purely a reenactment for our entertainment.
One shocked person said: "S**t looks more interesting than UFC just saying."
Another quipped: "I want to try this so bad!! TBH, please do not judge me."
A third tweeted: "I really want to do this, does it happen in the UK?"
A fourth person asked: "Where can I watch this?"
And actually, we have an answer to that one.
For those of you in or around Nashville, this seems to be where the Armored MMA scene really comes to life, with a tournament coming up in November at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium.
If you can't make the trip, there are plenty of YouTube channels dedicated to the sport that you can sink your teeth into.
In response to the savage Reddit video, one person said: "I mean that's more or less how it went historically, except when you got the guy down you jammed your dagger through the cutout in the helmet instead of just punching."
Others were less convinced, with one user saying: "They will call ANYTHING a sport."
Another bluntly put: "What the f**k am I watching right now, it’s like Black Mirror at this point."
Good question, considering the weapons that they use in the sport are no joke. The swords may be blunted but we bet you still wouldn't want to be jabbed in the chest with one.
So, are you an Armored MMA convert or are you going to stick to Futsal?