Marketing boss Caitlin Winter swears by 'Bare Minimum Mondays' and has called it the best decision she has ever made.
Whether it's working from home on Mondays or simply taking it a bit easier, the whole point of 'Bare Minimum Mondays' is to be a less stressful way of starting the week.
And Adelaide based marketing manager Caitlin, who is incorporating the concept into her team, says she hasn't looked back.
Watch what she had to say below:
"As soon as I read about the concept of #bareminimummondays I knew I wanted in," she said in the caption of her viral TikTok video.
"Sunday nights have always meant the Sunday Scaries for me, but introducing Bare Miminim Mondays for me and my team means I can go to bed not feeling that sense of dread.
"I can wake up a little later on a Monday morning, go to my gym class and then ease into my work week feeling refreshed and energised."

The video received a bit of a mixed response in the comments, however, as one person wrote: "I made this decision too! But I'm not the manager and they don't know."
"Meanwhile I prefer the opposite, aka work really hard Monday - Wednesday and have bare minimum Friday," a second added.
And someone else said: "I’ve been so unproductive today as someone who’s self employed. needed to hear this."
"I work alone and have crazy anxiety that would PEAK on Monday mornings. I’ve implemented this and it’s life changing!" a fourth wrote.
Replying to the comment, Caitlin said: "That’s so great! I think change is coming where people are more understanding about being productive at different times of the day, week or even month."

The marketing manager also told news.com.au that for her, it was a way for staff to take their day at their own pace and to treat themselves with 'space and kindness'.
"A lot of people think it means I sit in my PJs all day in front of the TV and do no work," she said.
"But in reality, it is simply a day where we work from home, don’t schedule in any meetings and generally just treat ourselves with a little more space and kindness to set up for a productive week ahead.
"For us, it means not putting pressure on ourselves to get those big projects done."
She added: "Other things that we might get to do on these days are loads of washing we didn’t get to on the weekend, grocery shopping, planning dinners for the week or walking your dog.
"For one member of my team, it means being able to drop off and pick up her kids from school which she is unable to do during the week."
Overall, Caitlin says that she and her team are 'happier' and work more efficiently when given 'permission' to work when it is good for them.