As we approach a new year and prepare to find out whether Baba Vanga's predictions for 2024 are true, here's everything the clairvoyant has got right so far.
Thanks to social media and an ever-increasing number of conspiracy theories, the internet is full nowadays of people claiming they can see the future, or sense when something bad is coming.
Sometimes these predictions go absolutely nowhere, and sometimes they draw in millions of people and cause chaos across the globe.
However, there aren't many future-tellers out there with a track record like Baba Vanga's.
Born in 1911, Vanga was blind since childhood but claimed to be able to see all sorts of events set to come in the future.
She died in 1996, but her predictions had seemingly already started coming true, with the Chernobyl disaster and Princess Diana's death both said to be events Vanga saw coming.

Here are some of her other predictions:
The Kursk disaster
In 1980, when Vanga was still alive, she claimed to anticipate a disaster in the Russian city of Kursk which left it 'covered with water'.
She claimed the 'whole world [would] weep' over the event, which appeared to come into fruition just 20 years later.
In August 2000, while on a naval exercise inside the Arctic Circle, a Russian submarine named Kursk sank to the bottom of the ocean, killing all 118 people on board.
Assassination of Indira Gandhi
In 1969, Vanga claimed to have a vision of the prime minister of India, Gandhi.
"The dress will destroy her. I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire," Vanga said.
Less than 20 years later, Gandhi was shot dead by two of her bodyguards while wearing a saffron-coloured saree.

September 11 attacks
The attacks that took place on 9/11 shook the world and were absolutely not expected, but Vanga has since been credited with predicting the terror attack years earlier, in 1989.
She's reported as saying: "Horror, Horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing."
Vanga's mention of 'steel birds' is believed to refer to the planes used to carry out the attacks.
Barack Obama
Obama made history when he was elected as president in 2009, but years before his campaign even began, Vanga apparently saw it coming as she claimed the 44th president would be Black.

Vanga's own death
Most people have no idea when their last day on Earth could be, but apparently Vanga could.
The clairvoyant is said to have predicted her death right down to the day, on 11 August, 1996.
Floods and droughts
Vanga appeared to know that climate change would have a hefty impact on life on Earth, as she predicted that in 2022, large cities would be hit by droughts and water shortages.
That year, the UK experienced its driest July since 1935, prompting the government to declare a drought in August 2022.
Vanga also suggested Australia and Asia would have to deal with severe floods; a prediction which apparently came true in July 2022, when eight months of rain fell in Sydney in just four days.
In Japan, residents struggled with a major tropical storm which prompted the weather agency to warn of flooding.

Vanga may not be able to make any new predictions now, but her existing visions are still underway as she made a number of claims about 2024 before she passed away.
Topics: Conspiracy Theories, Weird, World News, Baba Vanga