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 Explorer drops GoPro showing what's inside the deepest cave in America and people are terrified

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Explorer drops GoPro showing what's inside the deepest cave in America and people are terrified

YouTuber duo ActionAdventureTwins weren't afraid to tackle the huge pit

The deepest cave in America is located in Walker County, Georgia, and, in my opinion, is a place that should be avoided at all costs.

I just think that nothing good can come out of exploring a giant cave. We already know there are terrifying sea monsters in the depths of the ocean - do you really want to find out what's hiding in a pit, and probably has the ability to run on land?

To me, it's just not worth the risk, but YouTuber duo ActionAdventureTwins decided to defy common sense and go exploring there.

The GoPro was attached to a long wire (YouTube/ActionAdventureTwins)
The GoPro was attached to a long wire (YouTube/ActionAdventureTwins)

As their name suggests, the ActionAdventureTwins are identical twins whose 'action packed adventures will always leave you wondering what's next'.

The pair have taken on secret river caves, limestone mines, and a hole in the top of a mountain, but today, we're talking about their trip to Fantastic Pit in Ellison's Cave. Sure, it sounds exciting, but maybe that's just what the people who named it want you to think.

The deepest free-fall pit in the lower 48 United States, the Fantastic Pit features a staggering 586 feet (179m) drop - a height about twice the size of the Statue of Liberty.

The ActionAdventureTwins spent more than '12 hours' inside the cave, where they relied on their GoPro to go to depths that they couldn't.

The GoPro caught eerie footage as it made its way down (YouTube/ActionAdventureTwins)
The GoPro caught eerie footage as it made its way down (YouTube/ActionAdventureTwins)

In their YouTube video, the GoPro descends into the depths of the dark cave, as it's suspended from a long wire. The scene makes it feel like a terrifying devil-like creature could appear on the screen at any moment, but thankfully, the GoPro reaches all the way down to 714 feet below the Earth's surface without any jump-scares.

But just because there were no monsters inside the cave doesn't mean people are any less terrified.

Viewers flooded the post with comments about their fears, with one writing: "Wonderful - three of my fears in one video: being underground, claustrophobia, and falling into a pit."

"Im [sic] not going to lie, when it got to the bottom i was anxious for a second. i saw one of those white rocks and was like... omg is that a ghost?!," a second wrote, while a third added: "This is the stuff in my nightmares but for some reason Im [sic] addicted to watching it."

Clearly, not everyone could handle the idea of exploring the pit - but the ActionAdventureTwins later went back for round two, when they went all the way down into the pit themselves in November 2023.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/ActionAdventureTwins

Topics: Nature, Science, Travel, YouTube