A British woman who was born with a rare genetic condition which meant that her legs grew to an enormous size had them both amputated, only for them to partially grow back.
Mandy Sellars was born with legs which were twice the size of an average baby, and as she grew up, her legs continued to grow at an exponential rate - something believed to be down to the PIK3CA gene mutation.
While she was able to walk at first, they soon got so big that she became unable to walk.

Doctors recommended that Mandy have her legs amputated, but her mother refused to give her consent for the procedure.
But things took a significant turn for the worse when Mandy grew up.
When Mandy was 28 years old, she developed a blood clot - these can sometimes be fatal, and often have life-changing consequences.
In Mandy's case, the clot left her paralysed from the waist down and she had to learn to walk again. Three years after that, she contracted an infection in her kidneys and got MRSA.
Finally, she decided it was time to have her leg amputated. But after the procedure something extraordinary happened - her leg began to 'grow back', with her limb ballooning at an accelerated rate.
She told The Mirror: "I hoped the amputation would stabilise my condition but I think I knew in my heart that it would start growing again.
"Almost straight away the stump began increasing in circumference and I was finding it harder to fit inside my prosthetic leg. Then the stump got so heavy that it nearly broke the prosthetic leg."
Mandy, who volunteers for the RSPCA, has previously said that while she doesn't mind children staring, but when adults do it she finds it very 'hurtful'.

She said: "Adults can be very hurtful. In a restaurant one blurted out, 'look at the size of those feet'. I don't mind children staring, but adults should know better."
Nonetheless, Mandy has remained determined, with her explaining: "I will not let this thing beat me. I'm determined to stay mas mobile as possible and fight for my independence. I just have to live day to day, week to week.
"I have got a life and I have to live it as best as I can. There are people far worse off than me."
In 2016, Mandy started taking a new medication which has had an impact on the growth of her legs, managing to stop them from continuing to grow.
Speaking again to The Mirror in 2016, she said: “It felt like a miracle, I couldn’t believe it when I lost a stone after just five months on the drugs, my legs were shrinking.
“I am comfortable in my own skin, and proud of my condition and who I am."