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Man calls out supermarket for selling ‘fake lettuce’ and discovers something extremely embarrassing

Man calls out supermarket for selling ‘fake lettuce’ and discovers something extremely embarrassing

A perfect example of why you should think before you post

A daft blunder that probably should have been kept off the internet resulted in a TikToker admitting they had made an embarrassing mistake.

Nobody is perfect, we all make little mistakes and occassionally say stupid stuff.

But one thing most people avoid doing is putting that mistake up on social media for the entire world to see.

Because now it is immortalized and your friends are unlikely to ever let you forget when the whole world was laughing at you.

One man is now likely living through that reality after posting a video to TikTok questioning whether there was a big conspiracy afoot involving his local supermarket.

The video was posted on the ch_asif_Khan TikTok page, and went viral with over 4.8 million views.

The man then proceeds to hold up what he believes is ‘fake lettuce’ and questions how the Australian supermarket Coles could get away with selling this ‘fake’ produce.

While placing it on a chopping board, he even argues that it is plastic and insists it simply isn’t lettuce.

Now the kicker is, that the person is right... it isn’t lettuce. It is, in fact, a head of cabbage... a completely different vegetable.

Now, you might hope this is just Zoomer humour and it is part of a larger skit. But the guy even addressed the many comments calling them out in a follow up video.

He said: “Hello guys, I have seen all your comments, thousands and thousands of comments about the lettuce cabbage.

These are cabbages not lettuces (Getty Stock Image)
These are cabbages not lettuces (Getty Stock Image)

“I wanted to say I 100 percent thought and thought and thought that it was lettuce.

“I did not know it was cabbage till we posted that video and you guys told me, so yeah that is the story. I am an idiot.”

Always good when they can admit it though. But the comments continued to flood in, some continuing to mock the social media user and others sympathising by sharing their own stories of empty headedness.

“Absolutely loving the accountability.. but I can't wait to see you discover zucchini,” one user wrote.

“Question, did you know that cabbage was a thing though? seriously wanna know,” another wrote to which the guy confirmed he did know of the vegetable.

“My ex accidentally bought cabbage instead of lettuce for burgers and got mad at me when I pointed it out,” joked another.

“My sister doesn’t know the difference but sometimes we ask her to grab lettuce at the store & after accidentally buying bok choy instead, she learned to just buy 1 of each kind of leafy produce,” wrote a fourth person.

So as you can see it happens to the best of us... well maybe not the best.

Featured Image Credit: Tiktok/@ch_asif_khan

Topics: TikTok, Social Media, Community