Some people are considering a switch of careers after realizing how much car wash staff can make in a yearly salary.
Many of us have the internal battle about whether we should switch careers, something that seems to be happening in droves on Reddit after a viral
A post on the pics board has been upvoted more than 44,000 times and has sparked a debate in the comments section with over four and a half thousand comments.

The picture appeared to feature current job vacancies for a Buc-ees car wash, as the post confidently proclaimed “Yo, I can manage a car wash for 125k.”
That’s right, £125,000 a year, and that’s not even the most lucrative position available, according to the advert.
For the full-time positions available, meaning they would be working 35-50 hours a week, there is also no experience is necessary.
Assistant general managers can expect $100 –150,000+ a year, while car wash managers could see $125k. While food service managers could earn £125k-175k+ and general managers could see $150k-225k or more.
The role also boasts a good pension program, as well as 3 weeks paid time off and healthcare benefits.
Some Redditors were stunned with the offerings being made by the gas station company.

“Bro wtf I make $125k as an aerospace engineer launching satellites, and don’t even get 401k match.” one user wrote.
“As a public education teacher, what the actual f***. Double my salary to maintain a car wash? Yes please.” another added.”
Some users remarked that while the pay may be appealing, the staff at Buc-ee's, which homes the world’s longest car wash in Katy, Texas, will likely have to earn every penny.
“The car wash in Katy, TX, (near Houston) is the world's longest, and can accommodate 17 cars at one time. Nothing at Buc-ee's is half-a**ed. I imagine the people who work there earn their money,” a Redditor commented.

“I literally just went to a Buc-ees for the first time this weekend. It is like a grocery store sized gas station store with hundreds of gas pumps and clean bathrooms. All the employees are super nice (prob cause they get paid well),” another wrote.
However, some users were more critical and skeptical of the job position.
“Buc-ees aren’t always in the most accessible locations. They aren’t in city centers with huge populations to pull from. They are down the highway. Not impossible to commute to but not right next door to most people,” a user commented.
Might be time to change careers...
Topics: Reddit