When it comes to getting fired, most people would like to keep that difficult situation to themselves and preferably never speak of it again.
But one woman decided to share the uncomfortable conversation with HR for the world to see.
A woman on TikTok got fired from her job and shared the unbearably awkward conversation she had with HR to her followers.

The woman, named Totsionna, is known as @wesickandtired on TikTok and regularly shares random videos on her page. But this one... well, you have to see it to believe it.
The excuses Totsionna gave to a rather polite and patient woman from HR has had people reeling on social media as the video has done the rounds both on Reddit and Twitter.
The video saw Totsionna recording herself while putting HR on loudspeaker.
The woman from HR explained the company had previously spoken to Totsionna about her absenteeism, as well as tardiness, and after failure to improve she was being let go.
Most people in the comments were expecting to side with the TikToker, expecting a laundry list of nonsense points being raised by HR... well, because it's HR, but boy were they in for a shock.
Totsionna seemed to be unphased and dismissive of the comments, and seemed to try to justify her being 12 minutes late to a shift, before she went on to then say she was ONLY 21 minutes late.
Sure, you might not manage to get to work dead on time, but being over 20 minutes late and not saying anything? Yeah, management might have a point here.
Totsionna was also quizzed on why she simply missed a day of work and gave the excuse that it was her birthday... and it was pretty much here she lost the people on her side.
“Yall this girl recorded herself getting fired from her job & im screaming,” one Twitter user wrote.
“I was expecting to hear some unfair stuff that happened to her but by the end of the video I was surprised she wasn’t terminated sooner,” another wrote.
“She said it’s her birthday like it’s a well know holiday everybody knows about LMAO,” joked another.

Sure, no one likes to work on their birthday but those excuses ain't really going to cut it.
While many found the video hilarious, many are convinced it was a skit, and a well-acted one at that.
But Totsionna definitely sent out mixed signals on that.
After being ridiculed for the video on her other TikTok posts, she explained that the job she got fired from was just her ‘second job that [she] didn’t even care about]', so there is that.
But the TikToker also admits to having her own brand of humor and regularly jokes about getting fired from roles and having lots of different jobs in her other videos.
You be the judge.
Topics: Community, Social Media, TikTok