You're not human if the thought of a side hustle hasn't gone through your head at least once.
We want something that pays, but requires little to no effort.
Meet Monique Jeremiah, from Queensland, Australia, who 'hot beds' for hundreds of dollars a month.
Watch below as the 36-year-old explains how it works:
Monique is an entrepreneur turned Australian reality TV star and wants to build an extra income to live her dream of owning a company.
She hopes to use the extra income to start a modelling agency called 'Diversity Models' that specialises in providing curve, cultural, and mature-aged models for businesses.
With the cost-of-living crisis hitting harder than ever, Monique has come up with a great way to raise some extra cash.

Her side hustle makes roughly $600 a month and it involves renting half of her mattress, which her ex used to occupy.
Monique explained: "Hot bedding is excellent for people who are able to detach emotionally and sleep next to another person in a completely respectful and non-strings-attached manner.
"It is the perfect situation, especially if you are a sapiosexual, like myself, and you prefer companionship over the physical.
"It takes two people who respect each other’s space, values, and boundaries to do hot bedding.
"It is just like sharing a room with two beds; however, you only sleep in the same bed together, so you definitely want a big bed and lots of space in the room to make it worthwhile.
"Being an entrepreneur is already a lonely journey as you build a company, so why sleep alone when you can sleep with a companion, with someone with the same discipline and drive, while making money in your sleep?"

Monique added: "At the start of COVID in early 2020, I suddenly found myself single; my thriving business of an international education agency and student accommodation collapsed overnight, and my teaching career suddenly became unfulfilling as education went online.
"My life was literally imploding beyond my control.
"I knew my only option was to innovate and think outside the box, and that’s how I decided to do hot bedding.
"In a moment’s thought, I swallowed my pride, contacted my ex-partner, whom I hadn’t spoken to in a year, and said to him, 'Do you want to survive COVID together?' and to my surprise, he said yes.
"I have rented to my previous partner now twice. He will be sleeping with me again soon.
"I will be raising the hot bedding rate to £127 ($160) a week when he returns as the cost of living has gone up significantly in Australia and my room is still a beautiful, comfortable room, the size of a five-star hotel suite."
You've got to respect it.