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Woman reveals the shocking amount it costs to be emergency airlifted to the hospital

Woman reveals the shocking amount it costs to be emergency airlifted to the hospital

TikToker Shauntay was only in the helicopter for about 15 minutes before being hit with the hefty bill

A TikToker in the United States has left viewers stunned after revealing how much she was charged for being airlifted to the hospital.

The figure will probably hit differently depending on where you're from, but there's no escaping the fact that it's an absolutely ridiculous amount of money.

If you're lucky enough to be from a country with free healthcare, it's probably hard to comprehend the idea that being flown to a hospital to receive urgent, potentially lifesaving care can wind up landing you in life-altering debt.

Shauntay didn't receive any treatment in the helicopter. (TikTok/@shauntayaichner)
Shauntay didn't receive any treatment in the helicopter. (TikTok/@shauntayaichner)

But in the US it's a very real situation that patients can find themselves in, as proven by TikToker Shauntay Aichner.

In a video shared this week, Aichner explained she'd had to be airlifted to the hospital after suffering an emergency.

The TikToker didn't explain in the video what had happened, but in previous clips she described suffering second degree burns when she fell out of a moving vehicle.

Aichner had stood up while driving with her boyfriend to close one of the doors in his delivery van, but when she returned to her seat she didn't realize that it had moved, causing her to fall out of the van.

The pair had been travelling at about 30mph at the time, leaving Aichner with burns across large sections of her body.

Shauntay expected the helicopter to cost a few thousand dollars. (Getty Stock Photo)
Shauntay expected the helicopter to cost a few thousand dollars. (Getty Stock Photo)

It seems that this is the incident that led to Aichner being airlifted to hospital, though she explained she didn't receive any treatment during the flight.

"They didn't give me no medicine or nothing, they literally just took me from point A to point B," she said in her video. "Didn't talk or nothing."

With that in mind, Aichner expected the bill to be 'maybe a few thousand dollars'.

Again, it sounds like a lot for those with free healthcare, but it's just the way it is in the US. Insurance can help reduce the cost, but not everyone has insurance - Aichner included.

Hoping to think realistically, Aichner admitted that the bill could be as much as $20,000, but she was sure that $15,000 was 'really pushing it'.

Then she got the actual bill.

"Y'all want to see how much this bill is?," she asked, before moving her picture away to reveal the figure underneath - $68,815.

For a 15 minute journey, that's approximately $4,600 per minute.

Viewers were left stunned after seeing the number, especially those from different countries.

"What is American healthcare my god," one horrified viewer wrote, as another added: "Girllll it’s $80 in Canada."

A third joked: "And a helicopter tour costs like $800. Should’ve booked on TripAdvisor."

Aichner hasn't shared any updates about her plans to pay the bill, though in a caption alongside the video she wrote: "Time to go to the military."

UNILAD has attempted to contact Aichner for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Tiktok/@shauntayaichner/Getty/Christine Rose Photography

Topics: TikTok, Social Media, Money, Health