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Woman applauded for refusing to give up plane seat to let mum sit next to her children

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Woman applauded for refusing to give up plane seat to let mum sit next to her children

Tammy Nelson, a TikTok influencer, was praised for putting her foot down after a mother stole her plane seat to be closer to her pre-teens

When travelling, you can always pay a little extra so that you can sit with your kiddies, but what happens when you don’t and nab someone else’s seat instead?

Well, that’s what one woman had to find out on her flight with a social media influencer.

It’s generally common sense to pay for your seats if you want your whole family to sit with each other, right?

Apparently not for this family, as when a mother took a perch in another woman’s seat without hesitation, it didn’t quite go the way she planned.

Tammy Nelson, the original owner of said plane seat, did a double take at her ticket after seeing the mum in her window seat.

Tammy Nelson took to TikTok to share her plane seat story.
TikTok / @myconquering

But after realising that it wasn’t a simple mistake, she had to put her foot down.

Nelson, who is the CEO of a company that creates fidget jewellery for anxiety, was boarding her flight and had decided that, due to her motion sickness, paying for a specific window seat would be best for her condition.

But when she got to what was supposed to be her designated space, she found a mother already sitting in her spot, which led to a standoff.

The mum had boarded with older children and wanted to sit in the same row, without first checking that it was okay with the original ticket holder.

Unfortunately, her assumption would be incorrect, as Nelson wasn’t going anywhere.

At first, the mum tried to offer the TikToker her own seat which was behind them, but when the jewellery guru noticed that she was offering a middle seat as a replacement, all bets were off.

TikTok commenters praised the CEO for her actions.
TikTok / @myconquering

Speaking to Good Morning America, Nelson explained the interaction.

Once she went on to confirm that it was in fact her seat, the mother reportedly said: “Oh, well I just thought I could switch with you because these are my kids."

With such confidence that her assumption would be correct, Nelson had to prove that you cannot commandeer another person’s seat, especially if that space was an additional cost due to motion sickness needs.

Nelson, also known as @myconquering on TikTok, went on the share a clip of herself after the altercation to her 271,000 followers.

In the clip, you can see her head down behind the back of the seat in front, captioning the post: “Having had only 90 minutes of sleep the night before and knowing I had to give a presentation to 500 people, I desperately needed some sleep, so I did not agree to switch seats.

"Before anyone comes after me… the kids looked like they were about 11 and 15 years old. And the mom was in arms-reach of both of them from the middle seat in the row behind us.

"The mom proceeded to complain for at least 15 minutes to the person next to her loud enough for me to hear. But the woman actually defended me – several times. It was so kind and I appreciated it so much because I was feeling really guilty.”

As a mother herself, Nelson wasn't going to let it slide.
TikTok / @myconquering

But not one person came after her for her choice.

Instead, the person that the mother ended up sitting beside defended her against the complaints.

Meanwhile, online the CEO was also praised for her mature handling of the situation.

One user was shocked at the mother for her cheek, writing: “If they are that close to mom, and aren’t toddlers, she shouldn’t even ask.”

Another joked: “Switching a window sear for a middle seat? Oh hells NO! Only person I would do that for is my kid!”

As a mum herself, Nelson proves that it isn’t an excuse for a lack of manners.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/myconquering/Pexels/Athena

Topics: News, Social Media, Parenting, TikTok