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'Zombie Angelina Jolie' revealed her real face after she was released from prison

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'Zombie Angelina Jolie' revealed her real face after she was released from prison

Sahar Tabar's appearance first went viral back in 2017

It's not uncommon for people to edit their photos, and this woman did it so much that she was dubbed the 'Zombie Angelina Jolie'.

Sahar Tabar went viral seven years ago after posting photos of herself online where she could only be described as a looking like a fictional character or, as per her nickname, a zombie-like version of Jolie.

It probably came as no surprise to some that it was later revealed that Sahar's snaps were heavily edited.

Russian news outlet Sputnik at the time of her viral stardom, Sahar said she edited the photos so outlandishly to 'amuse' herself.

Sahar also said the unusual edits were 'a form of self-expression'.

Sahar Tabar's appearance went viral in 2017 (Instagram/@sahartabar_official)
Sahar Tabar's appearance went viral in 2017 (Instagram/@sahartabar_official)

She'd previously claimed to have had over 50 procedures, The Independent reported, but this was revealed to be untrue.

Instead, Sahar's believed to have only had rhinoplasty, liposuction, and injectable fillers in her lips.

With her revelations in mind, many have wondered what Sahar actually looks like - which was revealed after she was released from prison.

Sahar was arrested by Iranian authorities in October 2019 in a move by law officials to crack down on social media influencers.

She was later charged with blasphemy, inciting violence, gaining income through inappropriate means, and encouraging youth corruption.

In December 2020 she was sentenced to 10 years behind bars, but the young woman served just 14 months.

Around the time she was freed was when widespread protests in Iran were taking place following the death of Mahsa Amini.

The young woman died in police custody after being arrested for not wearing her hijab properly.

Tabar has admitted to editing and using Photoshop to make the images seem more extreme (Instagram/@sahartabar_official)
Tabar has admitted to editing and using Photoshop to make the images seem more extreme (Instagram/@sahartabar_official)

Upon her release, Sahar made an appearance on state-owned channel Rokna - and many were left shocked over her real appearance.

In the photo, Sahar looked nothing like the skeletal and unnerving viral photos she shared back in 2017.

Discussing her real appearance, one person wrote on social media: "It’s amazing how many people put so much thought into what other people are doing to be comfortable in their own skin."

Tabar's real appearance has shocked many. (YouTube/Rokna)
Tabar's real appearance has shocked many. (YouTube/Rokna)

A second wrote: "Wow! It’s so sad what lengths people would go to for fame…"

Apparently Sahar had always wanted to be famous, and aspired to be in the spotlight since she was a child.

She also admitted to using make-up and editing her pictures with Photoshop to grow her Instagram following.

"Cyberspace was an easy way," she said of how easily she managed to get her name out in the world.

"It was much easier than becoming an actor."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@sahartabar_official

Topics: Social Media, Iran, Life