A woman who suffered a traumatic brain injury in her 20s says she suffers from near-death experiences about three times a month and has met Jesus Christ and Walt Disney because of it.
Beverley Gilmour, 57, of Birkenhead, England, says doctors have diagnosed her with a 'disorder of consciousness', a term normally used to refer to a person being in a coma or vegetative state.
She said that during these times she feels her own heart stopping and her body beginning to shut down before having an out-of-body experience where she can feel herself leaving her body.
From there she says she's been able to interact with the spirits of dead people, including Walt Disney, while she's also met Jesus apparently.
Speaking to the MailOnline, Gilmour says she has a 'private' relationship with Jesus and is spiritualistic but not religious.

"He was showing stories and when I met him there was an amazing building and the wood felt alive and well preserved," she said of her meeting with Walt Disney.
"When I came back I would go back into a trance and write down his stories and draw pictures of everything he has shown me. He showed me these characters and I became one of his characters and lived out one of his stories.
"I would sit and listen to him and he would appear with these characters and he would tell me the names of these characters and their personalities and what they did in life, where the came from and their origins."
Gilmour also said she has met her deceased parents, saying that the first time she met her dad's spirit he looked 52 while the next time he looked 30.
She claims he told her 'learn to do as you are told', while she asked him whether he had any information on the lottery numbers to share, and said it can often take her some time to make sense of what she sees during her near-death experiences.
A number of people have said they've seen glimpses of the other side during near-death experiences, with people describing what they saw in vivid detail.
However, according to scientific research from the California Institute of Technology the chances of there being a life after death are essentially zilch, which is a bit disappointing if you were hoping to pick Walt Disney's brains about new movie ideas.
As for the J-Man, you'd be missing out on the chance to ask him what the 'H' in his name stands for and see what he actually looked like.