A woman with a condition that means she has two vaginas answered a bunch of questions from curious minds who wanted to... well, understand how it all works.
Posting on the 'Ask Me Anything' Reddit board, the anonymous 19-year-old woman opened up about her rare condition and how she navigates intimacy with partners.
And while the condition is uncommon, she's not alone with another woman previously revealing how having two vaginas has affected her dating life.
As you can imagine, people had a whole lot of questions on how sex works (Getty Stock Image) The Redditor initially explained her condition, writing: “I’m a 19-year-old woman and I have a condition called uterus didelphys, or a double uterus. Basically, the uterus is formed by two separate ducts that fuse together, but in some rare cases they don’t fuse and instead they form two separate uteruses and vaginas.
“And that’s what happened to me. Everything looks pretty normal on the outside, I only have one labia, one clitoris, and one urethra, but my actual vaginal canal is split into two. I don’t feel comfortable sharing pictures, so if you’re really curious about what this looks like, just look it up. But I’m happy to answer any questions, no matter how personal!”
As you can imagine, people had a barrage of questions and the woman did her best to answer as many as she could.
One social media user asked whether she would explain the condition to her previous partners when it came to sex and questioned whether it ever ruined the moment.
The 19-year-old explained that she often has to explain to her partners about her condition ahead of having sex (Getty Stock Image) The woman replied: “Yeah it’s always something that I disclose before sex.
“It doesn’t necessarily ruin the moment but it definitely can be annoying having to explain it to someone that I’m just trying to have a casual hookup with. Guys typically get very nervous when they’re about to undress me and I say 'I have to tell you something' lmao.
“I’ve never been embarrassed about it, I think it’s pretty cool.”
Another person asked about the verdict from previous partners and what they said in regards to feeling 'different' to women without the condition.
Pretty personal stuff, but the woman gave a pretty straightforward answer and said: “They say it’s tighter, which makes sense since each of my vaginas is basically half the size of a regular vagina.”
And someone else asked: “Does each vagina include a G-spot? Would you say your orgasms are normal or an enhanced experience?”
The original poster then responded: “Yes, my g spot is split between both vaginas. I’m not sure if my orgasms are enhanced or not, but either way they’re pretty damn great.”
As well as this, she said her partners in the past have occasionally gone from one vagina to the other, sometimes intentionally sometimes by accident but she can feel the difference.
The more you know.