A new Netflix documentary has left viewers baffled after revealing some pretty out-there and difficult to grasp concepts about mathematics and – specifically – infinity. You can check out the trailer for the mind-blowing movie below.
So, before we crack on it’s worth pointing out that this isn’t exactly something that you should be sitting down to watch if you’re just wanting to zone out.
Nor is it something to watch during a ‘Netflix and chill’ session or if you want to sit around on your phone.
This is gonna require your full attention, and even then it might prove too much.
It’s called A Trip to Infinity and it explores the mathematical concept of infinity using a number disciplines including theoretical physics, maths, cosmology, and philosophy.
Told you it wasn’t going to have the same effect as an episode of The Simpsons.
Split into a number of chapters, the documentary film shows off a number of thought problems and experiments, all explained in colourful and interesting ways, aimed at working out whether we are actually capable of understanding infinity, or whether it even exists.

Obviously, it’s serious material and it’s definitely not for everyone.
It’d probably make most people’s heads hurt quite a bit, and that seems to be the feedback online so far.
One person wrote: “Nah this f***ed with me.
“What it existentially means is that there is no infinity or am I tripping???
“A trip to infinity is a documentary on Netflix.
“Check it out and be mind blown.”
Another said: “who else has watched A Trip to Infinity on Netflix??
“I just learned everything is nothing & WE NEED TO TALK.”
A third simply said: “I don’t have a goddamn clue what these folks are talking about in A Trip To Infinity.”
However, if you can grasp it – or even open a curious mind towards it - you’ll definitely love it.
There’s definitely something in it for those who want to have a crack, and it’s explained as well as these sorts of concepts can be.
Listen to some of these reviews: “A Trip to Infinity.
“What a sensational documentary. I love mind bending, cerebral, thought-provoking, quality content. This checks all the boxes. “

A second said: “Watching A Trip to Infinity on Netflix and man, I might be outing myself here, but I’ve forgotten how much I love mathematics and miss this type of thinking. Truly interesting combination of philosophy and logic.”
So, if you’re up for the challenge – and don’t mind having your conception of reality toyed with just a little bit – maybe check it out.
A Trip to Infinity is available to watch on Netflix now.