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People have called this feel-good movie their go-to when they're depressed

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People have called this feel-good movie their go-to when they're depressed

This film is beloved by fans, especially for when you're feeling depressed or down

Films can be great for so many reasons, but for lots of us, it can be the perfect antidote to an awful day, week, or month, to sit down and stick on an amazing film.

One online group has picked what they deem to be the best films for when you’re feeling depressed, and one particular cult classic on Disney+ has stood out from the pack.

The film features a fan favourite actor, beautiful scenery, a heart-warming message, and is certain to cheer you up on your worst day.

There's nothing like a good film to cure the weekday blues.
Getty Stock Image

The suggestion came following a post in r/MovieSuggestions on Reddit, where a poster asked: “Movies that are good for depression?

“I have lost so much in my life, gaming kept me busy and you know, busy is good for such case. I want to go into movies\series.”

And the most upvoted suggestion? The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

The 2013 film stars Ben Stiller as Walter Mitty, a man who long dreamt of adventure – but has been tied to a desk job developing photos for an adventure magazine.

Living his life in fantasies of what he ‘could do’, Walter is suddenly compelled to go on a world-spanning adventure where he discovers how to enjoy life again.

Whilst this may sound on the sappy side, the recent success of Ted Lasso points to one clear thing.

In a depressing post-COVID-19 world, audiences are willing to take a bit of sappy in their watching, and they are always on the lookout for a feel-good watch.

Under the comment suggesting The Secret Life of Walter Mitty there were numerous commenters who agreed, with one saying: “If you like beautiful scenery, a phenomenal soundtrack, and videography, this is the movie for you.”

Ben Stiller in Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
20th Century Fox

Another commented: “Absolutely. Lifts my spirits every time I watch it.”

This was the top suggestion in the thread, but was just one of many, as the online film community rallied around this poster to help them out with suggestion after suggestion.

One other popular comment stated: “Paddington and Paddington 2”, as well as suggesting Taika Waititi cult classic Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

This Taika Waititi film comes from well before Jojo Rabbit and Thor: Ragnarok, and is arguably still his favourite for many fans of Waititi.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople.
Piki Films

When it comes to series, one commenter posted: “Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Scrubs are personal comfort shows of mine. (Random silly humour but still wholesome)”.

Whilst Scrubs may tear your heart out at random intervals (and I’m still not over the ending to Brooklyn Nine-Nine), both suggestions were widely agreed to be a great watch for when you’re feeling depressed or down.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is available on Disney+

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available through Mental Health America. Call or text 988 to reach a 24-hour crisis center or you can webchat at You can also reach the Crisis Text Line by texting MHA to 741741.

Featured Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Topics: Mental Health, Taika Waititi, Film and TV