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Confused Halloween Ends viewers make same observation about new character's glasses

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Confused Halloween Ends viewers make same observation about new character's glasses

Viewers have flooded Twitter with their questions about his prescription

Rather than leaving all of its viewers shaking in their boots or looking over their shoulder for Michael Myers, Halloween Ends has left some people just feeling downright confused.

There have been a lot of mixed responses following the release of the horror film earlier this month, but one question that has brought everyone together comes courtesy of the new character Corey Cunningham.

Corey is introduced as a potential love interest for the granddaughter of Michael Myers' longtime fascination, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis), however things take a dark turn for Corey when Myers' evil seemingly 'infects' him, allowing the iconic killer to take more of a backseat while Corey stirs up some chaos.

This is a reasonable enough premise for a horror film, but it's not this which viewers have necessarily taken issue with. It's actually Corey's eyesight that has caused a stir, with many people pointing out that despite him being depicted as someone who needs glasses, this doesn't ring true through the whole film.

Throughout the events in Halloween Ends, Corey was seemingly able to function just as well without glasses as he was when he was wearing them. So much so that he was even able to ride a motorcycle without any assistance in the vision department.

Now, it's possible Corey only needed his glasses for reading or using a laptop, rather than for getting up to evil antics, but the apparent plot hole just doesn't sit right with viewers.

After watching Halloween Ends, one confused Twitter user wrote: "It IS doing a thing I hate, where a character wears glasses but they get broken and he doesn’t seem especially visually impaired. Why do that in a HORROR movie. I can tell you, as a person with terrible vision, that losing glasses in a horror situation is the stuff of nightmare [sic]."

Twitter users are confused over whether Corey needs glasses.

They continued: "First thing I do in a zombie apocalypse is raid optometrists offices for contacts in my general prescription. But Corey here is just riding a motorcycle without his glasses like he didn’t need them in the first place and that is so annoying."

Other viewers caught on to the same issue, with one writing: "One minute Corey is been bullied by band members 

Next minute he's giving Michael F'ning Myers a Ricky Steamboat arm drag and stealing his mask. Oh he also somehow didn't even need glasses and could ride a motorcycle without em [sic]."

Now, those who have seen Halloween Ends will be all too aware of the fact that Corey's eyesight is no longer a problem for him, so viewers will probably just have to accept that we'll never get to the bottom of his prescription.

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Featured Image Credit: Universal Pictures

Topics: Halloween, Film and TV, Twitter, Viral