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People pointing out how 'bad' Lion King remake was with comparison of two scenes

People pointing out how 'bad' Lion King remake was with comparison of two scenes

The beloved 1994 version of The Lion King was remade with an all-star cast in 2019

There were mixed opinions when it was revealed Disney would be remaking the iconic animated version of The Lion King, and fans are now using a comparison between two scenes as an argument for how bad it was.

With music by Hans Zimmer and Elton John and a story that provided laughter, devastation and warmth all at once, the 1994 film became a favourite for many Disney fans; a title that stood the test of time even as animation technology and film quality improved.

In spite of this, Disney announced plans to do a photorealistic remake with an all-star cast featuring Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Beyonce, Chiwetel Ejiofor, John Oliver and James Earl Jones, among others.

Simba was voiced by Donald Glover in the 2019 remake.

The film was released in 2019 to mixed reviews, earning a score of 55 percent on Rotten Tomatoes' Tomatometer and leaving many people wishing the remake had never been attempted in the first place.

One person who appears to be a member of this team took to Twitter to provide evidence to back their argument, sharing a picture of Simba in the remake and comparing it to the same scene in the original film.

"I’m not joking when I say this is quite literally the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life put to film," they wrote. "These are the same moments in the Lion King story: the moment Simba notices the stampede."

Fans know the moment well: when Simba starts to feel the ground shake as dozens of wildebeest start to charge towards him. In the 1994 version of the film, his mouth drops open in horror; his eyes are open wide and his ears pull back in fear.

Fast forward to 2019, and a now much more realistic-looking Simba looks upon the same sight, but with much less expression. The young lion keeps his mouth closed and ears perked up; there's maybe a slight widening of his eyes, but nothing in comparison to the pure shock that took over his former self.

Many Twitter users were quick to agree the scene wasn't what it could be, and the original poster responded to the thread to claim it looked like the creators 'had all of the voice work done and then realised they forgot to animate anything so just dubbed Beyoncé and Donald Glover over some National Geographic stock footage'.

Responding to the image, one Lion King fan wrote: "Crying bc this COULD have been a masterpiece. Cats are capable of so many facial expressions. And they’ve animated realistic animals WITH those expressions before! But for some reason every character in this movie has [resting b*tch face]. Original makes me cry. Live action doesn’t come close."

Another commented: "This is exactly why not everything needs a live action remake. Movies lose so much character when it’s taken out of its cartoony form."

There are some people who have stuck up for the remake, but at least those who can't stand it can always revert back to the original when they're in need of their Lion King fix.

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Featured Image Credit: Disney

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