Horror fans are shocked after finding out that a movie which 'scarred them for life' is only a PG-13 rating.
It turns out quite a few pretty terrifying films surprisingly have a pretty low rating, but horror fans are especially confused after these classics haven't even reached the '15' rating despite how disturbing they're considered to be.
Film age ratings body the Motion Picture Association describes the PG-13 rating as: "Parents urged to give 'parental guidance'. May contain some material parents might not like for their young children."

With the seemingly-innocent Mary Poppins getting its age-rating bumped up to PG-13 recently, some viewers reckon this terrifying horror film needs a higher rating.
One film fan wrote: "Everyone dunks on horror movies that are PG-13 but I remember the first time I watched Insidious late at night thinking it would be a throwaway film. Instead, it scared the absolute bejesus out of me.
"And that is why we should never assume a PG-13 movie won't be scary."
You can watch the trailer below:
"Insidious is hands down the scariest PG-13 horror movie i’ve ever seen. it’ll be a forever favorite," said a horror fan on Twitter.
A third said: "PG-13-rated horror can be just as terrifying as R-rated. The first INSIDIOUS is PG-13 and had me sleeping with the lights on for a week."
Another added: "The fact that the first Insidious is only rated PG-13 and scared the living s**t outtta me like that music and red demon really got to me."
The film sees a family terrorised by demons, most famously a red one that pops up behind Patrick Wilson in one of the most memorable jump scares in horror.

It features the memorable line: "It's not the house that's haunted. It's your son." *shivers*
The film is rated a 15 by the BBFC over in the UK, so why is it only a PG-13 in the US?
The Motion Picture Association says of the film: "Rated PG-13 for thematic material, violence, terror and frightening images, and brief strong language."
Another ridiculously low rated film is the trauma-inducing Watership Down'from when you were a kid? With the chaotic rabbit fight? Yep, also a PG.
The film was originally a 'U' in the UK, but after 45 years the film was reclassified to a PG after 'traumatising child viewers with its graphic depictions of rabbits being maimed and killed.'
No wonder horror fans are left puzzled.
Insidious is available to stream on Netflix in the US.
Topics: Horror