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Fans are obsessed with new Netflix film that racked up 25.7 million views in just two days

Fans are obsessed with new Netflix film that racked up 25.7 million views in just two days

Jessica Alba stars as a traumatized Special Forces commando in her first role since 2019

A new Netflix action movie starring Jessica Alba has amassed an astonishing 25.7 million views worldwide - but fans are divided.

After taking a five-year hiatus from Hollywood to work on her consumer goods business, Alba is back in the saddle and is starring in Netflix’s latest action thriller offering.

The mum-of-three - known for portraying Sue Storm in Marvel's Fantastic Four and its 2007 sequel, Rise of the Silver Surfer - first gained notoriety back in 2020 when she starred in the sci-fi TV series Dark Angel.

Since then, the Californian has taken roles in 2015’s Barely Lethal, Mechanic: Resurrection and now Netflix thriller, Trigger Warning. If you’re unfamiliar with the movie, then you can watch the jaw-dropping trailer below:

Trigger Warning, which dropped on the streaming service last Friday, has racked up 25.7 million views globally despite its low 21 percent score on the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer.

Moreover, IMDb users have given the film an average 4.5 out of 10 stars, while Letterboxd fans have been particularly harsh, awarding it a low 2.0 rating.

Starring Alba as traumatized Special Forces commando Parker, Trigger Warning chronicles the fallout that follows after her father suddenly dies.

Upon arriving back in her hometown from overseas, Parker reconnects with her ex-boyfriend Jesse (played by Mark Webber) and his father Senator Swann (Anthony Michael Hall) to discover how her parent really met his fate.

Jessica Alba plays Parker in Trigger Warning. (Netflix)
Jessica Alba plays Parker in Trigger Warning. (Netflix)

However, as the military personnel digs deeper into the mystery, she finds herself becoming entangled with a violent gang running amuck in the town.

Despite the Mouly Surya-directed offering topping the Netflix watch charts, fans are divided over the entertainment project.

Taking to social media to have their say, one viewer typed: “I friggin LOVED this movie! More of her, more of this!”

Another disagreed and wrote: “The script was really bad and needed a lot of revisions but it was definitely not the movie for Jessica Alba not good.”

But one felt the opposite, saying: “Trigger Warning on Netflix is definitely on my list to watch."

Fans are divided over the streaming service's latest offering. (Netflix)
Fans are divided over the streaming service's latest offering. (Netflix)

A fourth social media user penned: “I love paper work days, really sitting here watching a movie Trigger Warning on Netflix is mad good.”

“This movie Trigger Warning on Netflix is annoying and dragging,” said another Netflix subscriber.

And a sixth wrote: "Watching Trigger Warning on Netflix and you mean to tell me we could have had Jessica Alba being a badass in action movies this whole time?"

Trigger Warning, starring Alba, Hall and Webber, is available to stream on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Entertainment, Film and TV, Netflix, Hollywood