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Viewers could 'barely get through' powerful Netflix series because it made them 'too angry'

Viewers could 'barely get through' powerful Netflix series because it made them 'too angry'

Netflix viewers said the true story was incredibly 'hard to watch'

Every once in a while a new TV series or film will be released that is an important 'must watch', even if it's covering a tough event.

One TV series released on Netflix in 2019 has provoked a strong reaction from viewers, with some claiming it left them 'angry' and 'in tears' after getting through the four episodes.

The series, which is based on true events, focuses on the lives and families of five Black and Latino teenagers who were wrongly accused and prosecuted for the rape and assault of a white woman in Central Park, New York City in 1989.

The series depicts the wrongful arrests of five Black and Latino male teenagers in 1989 (Netflix)
The series depicts the wrongful arrests of five Black and Latino male teenagers in 1989 (Netflix)

Highly publicised in the media, the reaction to the five teenagers was huge with many slamming New York and its crime rates at the time.

The stories of the five teenagers and their families is reflected in the 2019 Netflix series When They See Us' and five years on it's still generating a strong reaction from viewers.

Based on the true events of what happened to the group of teenagers, the series reflects the brutal arrests as well as the court case and subsequent convictions.

On social media, viewers have shared their shock and disgust at the events featured in the series.

One person shared: "Sometimes a movie is so powerful….you can only watch it once," as another person wrote: "I watched it once if really f***** me up."

Another shared: "I cannot watch this,I bawled my eyes out midway."

"I could barely get through it. It was very painful to watch. Cried mostly the whole time," wrote one viewer.

And another posted: "This movie ruined my day. Felt so angry afterwards."

When They See Us has provoked strong reactions from viewers (Netflix)
When They See Us has provoked strong reactions from viewers (Netflix)

One viewer added: "Really hits you in the feels.. Can't believe these Innocent kids when through all of this.. No compensation will every cover what these poor kids went through..

"And for that detective who know it wasn't them and still locked them up, should be a shamed on herself."

The four-part series has an impressive 97 percent critics' rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The series was also nominated for 11 awards.

The Central Park Five were convicted of rape and assault, with sentences ranging from seven to thirteen years.

The series has had viewers 'in tears' (Netflix)
The series has had viewers 'in tears' (Netflix)

The five teenagers - Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise - were later cleared of the crimes in 2002 after serial rapist Matias Reyes admitted to the attack and his DNA evidence proved he was the true culprit.

All five defendants sued the City of New York for malicious prosecution, racial discrimination, and emotional distress with the city eventually settling the suit in 2014 for $41 million.

When They See Us is available on Netflix.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, Film and TV