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Antiques Roadshow expert refuses to value disturbing item due to its horrific past

Antiques Roadshow expert refuses to value disturbing item due to its horrific past

The Antiques Roadshow expert has been praised online for handling the 'uncomfortable' situation 'perfectly'

An Antiques Roadshow expert refused to evaluate an 'amazing' item because of its 'callous' history.

The BBC One TV show is known for uncovering missing treasures and surprising money-making artefacts, however, there was one item presented to expert Ronnie Archer-Morgan when the show visited Cardiff, which ended in those hoping for an evaluation leaving not with money - but some important lessons learnt instead.

Watch the clip here:

In a clip of the episode, Archer-Morgan is met by a woman who presents him with an object in the shape of a ring.

The expert wastes no time in clarifying right from the off-set: "I want to make it absolutely clear that myself and we in The Antiques Roadshow wholly and unequivocally disapprove of the trade in ivory."

The camera then zooms in to show an ornate ivory bracelet engraved with text and sitting on a purple cushion.

The guest reveals she bought the item in a house sale for just $3 and didn't know any of the history behind it, however, it doesn't take long for Archer-Morgan to dive into the disturbing story behind the bangle.

He continues: "But this ivory bangle here is not about trading in ivory, it's about trading in human life.

"It's probably one of the most difficult things that I've ever had to talk about, but talk about it we must."

(BBC One)
(BBC One)

Not denying the bracelet is 'amazing', Archer-Morgan explained the history and the 'callous' links to the slave trade of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Looking more closely at the bangle, it has an inscription reading 'Prince Jemmy of Grandy'.

The bracelet and disc was created and used to act as an endorsement of the professional reputation of an African slave trader and has words such as 'honest fellow' also engraved.

Archer-Morgan slammed the original owner of the bracelet, noting: "I’d like to meet him and tell him how honest I think he is."

When it came to the valuation, he stated: "I just don’t want to value it. I do not want to put a price on something that signifies such an awful business. But the value is in the lessons that this can tell people. The value is in researching this and what we can find out. And I just love you for bringing it in and thank you so much for making me so sad."

The clip has been shared on Reddit, with many applauding the expert's stance and refusal to value the bracelet.

One person wrote: "Fascinating, disgusting, sad, maddening, surreal. Thank you for sharing this."

"Very interesting artefact, it really belongs in a museum - bequeathed or donated," another shared.

(BBC One)
(BBC One)

A third wrote: "This is how you recognize and talk about history. Taking these monuments of the past and putting them into the proper context of the era in which we come from."

"As a historian who has to handle uncomfortable topics frequently, he handled this perfectly. I need to steal a page from him," a fourth added.

And a fifth shared: "Props to this guy for clearly being so emotionally touched on so many levels and not being brought to anger or even raising his voice at her or anyone present. Just saying what needs to be said, and making a statement in the end by not wanting to value it. What composure."

Featured Image Credit: BBC

Topics: Entertainment, Film and TV, World News, BBC, History

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