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Cole Sprouse explained why he found it so difficult working with Jennifer Aniston on Friends

Cole Sprouse explained why he found it so difficult working with Jennifer Aniston on Friends

I think we can all relate

Cole Sprouse has opened up about finding it difficult to work with Jennifer Aniston whilst filming Friends.

Friends is an adaptable series to watch in a lot of situations.

If you've got a hangover it's easy enough to sit through a few episodes while you dip in and out of consciousness and make multiple trips to the fridge.

It works the same if you're ill, too. It's good for everything.

Cole Sprouse is a character we saw less often throughout the show’s long history on air, but had a small yet important role in Friends from 2000-2002, playing Ross’ son, Ben Geller.

Cole Sprouse in Friends as Ross' son. (NBC)
Cole Sprouse in Friends as Ross' son. (NBC)

Just seven-years-old when he made his iconic debut to the show, Cole has now opened up about the reason he struggled to work with Jennifer Anniston.

Unfortunately for Cole, at a time so huge in his career, there was something that was stopping him from reaching his full potential.

And I think we can all relate…

He was distracted by the fact he was in love with Jennifer.

"I had a really, really hard time working with Aniston because I was so in love with her," Cole told The New York Post.

“I was infatuated. I was speechless - I'd get all bubbly and forget my lines and completely blank. It was so difficult.”

Credit where it's due, he did a decent enough job.

So decent, in fact, that he sometimes reminded his elders of their lines when they forgot them.

"I was speechless." (NBC)
"I was speechless." (NBC)

If you spend a lot of your time on the Internet then you'll probably be aware there's loads of stuff in Friends that people missed the first time, only for it to be rediscovered 12 years after the series finale.

There have been theories as to why Jennifer Aniston's nipples are always showing, fans have noticed famous scenes where Matthew Perry almost cracked-up, and people have even spotted pies going missing from tables when Brad Pitt appeared on the show.

Oh, and there's the moment an extra chewed her coffee.

But there's also this one where Courtney Cox is clearly replaced with a double.

"I must've seen every Friends episode a million times and never noticed the world's worst stand-in for Monica," the person who found it wrote on X, alongside a clip of Courtney Cox nodding at Lisa Kudrow's Phoebe - only to suddenly morph into someone completely different when the camera changes angle.

Why couldn't all the actors just be in all the shots? Was it too much to ask?

Featured Image Credit: Marc Piasecki/WireImage/Getty / NBC

Topics: Friends, Jennifer Aniston, Cole Sprouse, Film and TV