Friends fans are in stitches after a viewer created a 'genius' data set of how many people each character slept with.
There's a reason I dropped anything considered 'properly' academic as soon as I could in high school, ridding myself of maths, geography or anything which required graphs, tallies or data sets. However, should someone tally up anything to do with iconic sitcom Friends and not just that, but even go to the lengths of creating a graph - no, I'm not lying - then sign me up.
A user from a since-deleted account and avid Friends fan - who knows 'every Friends episode by heart - took to Reddit thread r/entertainment to reveal they went through 'each and every' episode 'more than once' to figure out how many sexual partners each character had.
They continued: "[This] includes past sex partners that are just mentioned. Detailed Excel spreadsheet and everything."
Oh and they even made a graph too.
But how did the user measure it and who came up on top?

Well, they explained they counted one point for 'confirmed sex' which was judged 'either by strong innuendo or plain admission' and then 'unconfirmed sex eg. I dated a guy' saw characters given half a point.
And the results were as follows...
6) Chandler: 10.5 sex partners
5) Ross: 14 sex partners - being on that 'break' - or were they? - didn't make much difference to Ross' score.
4) Monica: 14.5 sex partners
3) Rachel: 15.5 sex partners
2) Phoebe: 32.5 sex partners
1) Joey: 51.5 sex partners
Oh, and the user didn't just stop there either, going on to list every single sexual partner by name or reference - i.e. Girl who though[t] Sean Penn was the capital of Cambodia or 'Stripper 1' - in a separate thread.
And it's not taken long for fellow Friends fans to flood to the comments to weigh in.

Some fans were left divided over what counted or not towards each Friends' characters' score.
One user wrote: "This is very excellent work. Especially for Joey, and for analyzing how explicit it was whenever a character was not totally clear about how far a relationship went.
"Is it just me, though, that feels that some of the unconfirmed instances of sex may be overstated? I always thought 'fooled around,' especially on a show, meant just that, as in 1-3rd base, at most. For example, I don't think Chandler and Mary Angela Tribbiani is any more than fooling around, so I'd give it a zero. And I find it hard to believe that Rachel and Tommy (Ben Stiller) did that much. The assignment of 0.5 for Mary Angela T is good though, to see the overall promiscuity of the characters. Also, I always thought Chandler and Susie Moss was also only the extent that we saw. But at this point, I'm just like sniping from the sidelines."
However, others were simply in awe of it all. "Woah," onw said.
Another commented: "That's a whole lot of sex."
Someone else argued: "138/6 people/10 years = only 2.3 sexual partners per person per year (on average) I know that may be a lot compared to the average redditor, but I'm willing to bet that is below average compared to the average new yorker."
And a final simply resolved: "You're a genius."
So, what do you think?
Topics: Film and TV, Friends, Sex and Relationships, Reddit, Entertainment