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Kill Bill Vol. 1 is being celebrated as one of the best films ever on its 20th anniversary

Kill Bill Vol. 1 is being celebrated as one of the best films ever on its 20th anniversary

Fans are also calling on Quentin Tarantino to do a third Kill Bill.

It's hard to believe Kill Bill is 20 years old.

The incredible, violent, bloody, and shocking Quentin Tarantino movie dropped in cinemas around the world on October 10 all the way back in 2003.

It spawned dozens of nominations and awards and comfortably sits as one of the best films in Tarantino's career.

However, some viewers reckon it's even bigger than that.

After the anniversary was shared on social media, a few fans believe it's one of the best films...ever.

One said: "Uma Thurman was on point in this movie. Everyone agrees that the 1st movie was the best of them, right?"

Another added: "You just had to be there. This franchise was sooooo talked about then. Imagine this being released during social media era."

A third wrote: "One of my fav movies of all time! The black mamba was on a mission!! So many great action scenes!!"

While there was a lot of celebration, some people took the opportunity to ask whether we'd be getting a third film in the franchise.

Interestingly, Kill Bill was meant to be just one film.

However, disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein asked for filmmakers to shorten their films and Tarantino was worried he would have to cut loads of moments from Volume 1 and Volume 2.

The director told IGN: "I'm talking about scenes that are some of the best scenes in the movie, but in this hurdling pace where you're trying to tell only one story, that would have been the stuff that would have had to go.

"But to me, that's kind of what the movie was, are these little detours and these little grace notes."


As a result, the movie was split in two and we got another epic slasher film to close out The Bride's rampage.

While the franchise was wrapped up in a nice, little bow, some reckon it's time for another sequel.

Tarantino previously said he was considering the idea.

"Well, I do have an idea of what I would do," he told Sirius XM Radio a few years ago.

"That was the whole thing, conquering that concept...exactly what's happened to The Bride since [the last film], and what do I want to do [next].

"Because I wouldn't want to just come up with some cockamamie adventure. She doesn't deserve that!"

"The Bride has fought long and hard. Now, I have an idea that actually could be interesting. I wouldn't do it for a little bit, though. It would be like at least three years from now, or something like that.

"But look, it is definitely in the cards."

However he's also explained that his next film, The Movie Critic, will likely be his last.

Featured Image Credit: Miramax

Topics: Quentin Tarantino, Film and TV