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First trailer drops for sequel to one of the creepiest movies of 2022

First trailer drops for sequel to one of the creepiest movies of 2022

A new horror movie? What's not to smile about?

Smile, there's a new horror film on its way! Don't want to? Tough - you don't have a choice in this movie.

Even if you didn't see the original instalment of this particular franchise, chances are you saw its eerie advertising which involved a lot of terrifying smiles.

Seriously, who knew smiling could be so sinister?

Aptly titled Smile, the original movie was released in 2022 and received a strong score of 79 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, with fans admitting they were left on the edge of their seats while watching it.

Naturally the success left the creators thinking about a sequel, and now the first trailer for the follow-up is here.

The new movie follows on from the cliffhanger of Smile, which ended with Joel seeing the death of his ex-girlfriend Rose as her body was overtaken by an evil demon who drives its victim to take their own lives by appearing as smiling members of the public.

This definitely isn't a friendly smile. (Paramount Pictures)
This definitely isn't a friendly smile. (Paramount Pictures)

Since whoever witnesses another person's death at the hands of the entity ends up as its next victim, it looks like Joel could be in for a tough time in the sequel.

He isn't the only one who's in trouble, though, as this time a pop star - played by Naomi Scott - is also driven mad by the demon.

Scott's turmoil is clear in the trailer for the upcoming movie, titled Smile 2, as she says: “Something really crazy is happening to me. I keep seeing this face everywhere.”

Later, she screams: “Stop smiling at me!”

Lukas Gage, who fans might recognize from his role in Euphoria, admitted that even filming the movie proved to be a creepy experience.

The movie features new and returning characters. (Paramount Pictures)
The movie features new and returning characters. (Paramount Pictures)

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, he said: “I was really shocked how intense it is on the day. You just think, ‘Oh, it’s acting, it’s gonna be fine,’ but that movie is so scary. The whole crew was terrified. That smile itself is just so creepy, and then you throw the most gory scenes on top of it.”

If just filming the movie was enough to set Gage on edge, I can only imagine how it will feel for viewers.

Director Parker Finn is back at the helm for the sequel, and Gage also praised the way he's approached the next instalment.

“He just takes it to the next level, and we have some really cool cameos happening in this movie,” he said.

Smile 2 is set to be released on October 18.

Featured Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

Topics: Horror, Film and TV