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School of Rock director joins Jack Black in confirming he's up for a sequel on one condition

School of Rock director joins Jack Black in confirming he's up for a sequel on one condition

The director has said he'd be up for coming back for a sequel to the iconic film.

The director of School of Rock has confirmed he would be up for a sequel on one specific condition.

Richard Linklater, speaking exclusively to UNILAD, gave the scoop on a potential sequel to the fan favourite, following Jack Black telling us earlier this year he'd 'never say never' to returning to School of Rock.

Black told UNILAD back in March he'd 'never say never' to returning to the role of 'Schnayblay,' adding: "I'd love to rock again."

And he later told JOE he was actually 'ready' to rock 'n' roll for a sequel, even floating the idea of calling it School of Rock 2: Electric Boogaloo - which would, quite frankly, be nothing short of iconic.

However, the star did state he had one condition: That writer Mike White is brought back.

While this would be difficult as White has gone on to write hit show The White Lotus, it has taken a step closer to being a possibility with the response of Linklater.

Linklater, currently promoting Hit Man - set to drop on Netflix 7 June - laughed when being told about Black’s quotes.

He told UNILAD: "It’s so funny, people will always say stuff like ‘oh Ethan Hawke said in an interview he would be up for another Before film.'"

He confirmed there were no discussions on a sequel to either, but when asked whether he’d be up for a return, the answer will excite fans.

He revealed: "Sure, it has been a long time. There was talk of it years ago but I’d love to work with Jack again. But there’s got to be a reason. There’s got to be something.

"Don’t do it unless there’s an idea, the reason we did two Before’s is there was a good idea screaming out, there’s something to express about this."

When pointed to Top Gun: Maverick being a good example of a reboot with an idea and reason, he said: “Yeah, you’ve got to be incorporating that time, it resonates, it means something to people.

Whilst Black is up for coming back, Linklater wants to ensure a great idea is the reason they return to School of Rock.
Paramount Pictures

“There’s another type of sequel I usually call the ‘victory lap sequel’. They’re usually out pretty quick, they’re economic, and everyone knows it.

“We’re way beyond that, so why would you do it unless there’s something specific to tell.

“There’s always a good idea to be had.”

Two of the core parts of the original film was Linklater’s direction and Black’s charisma, so if writer Mike White can come up with a great idea – we look to be well on the way to a return of the iconic film.

Featured Image Credit: Paramount

Topics: Film and TV, Jack Black, The White Lotus, US News