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Actor made a fortune just from playing kid who drew d*cks in Superbad

Actor made a fortune just from playing kid who drew d*cks in Superbad

People can't get over the Superbad 'legend' who got paid a hell of a sum for playing a character who drew d**ks on a piece of paper.

People can't get over the Superbad 'legend' who got paid a hell of a sum for playing a character who drew d**ks on a piece of paper.

Prepare to experience a blast from the past:

Casey Margolis has taken to TikTok to open up about his role in what has been scientifically proven to be the funniest film of all time.

The 2007 release Superbad - starring the likes of Jonah Hill, Emma Stone and Seth Rogen - saw Margolis play the younger version of Hill's character, Seth.

Margolis - who is now 25 years old - has taken to TikTok to reveal just how much he was paid for the role of Seth's younger self, a non-speaking character who can be spotted in the background doodling penises in class and in the playground.

Casey Margolis played Jonah Hill's character Seth's younger self.
Sony Pictures Releasing

Despite the minor role and how it's been over 15 years since Superbad's release, Margolis explained to followers he still receives money from his involvement in the movie.

Margolis was paid $700-a-day (£580-a-day) for his role as Hill's younger self but continues to make a hefty amount due to the movie's colossal success.

In June 2022, Margolis revealed he got a residual check of a gross total of $573.35 (£480) for Free TV, Internet Rental/ SVOD, Video/ DVD and Pay TV. The take home from that was $365.51 (£300).

Margolis received a residual check in June 2022 of $573.35, taking home $365.51.
Sony Pictures Releasing

Margolis explain these payments come in every quarter of the year, however they can vary in amounts.

The biggest residual check Margolis has ever received from his role in Superbad amounted to $10,033.34 (£8,300) - of which the actor took home $6,757.47 (£5,011.37).

"Overall the film paid me, probably over time over $100,000 (£74,000)," Margolis explains.

Margolis revealed he's probably earned over $100,000 from the film so far.

Superbad fans have flooded to Margolis' posts in awe of the amount the actor still gets paid for his appearance in the movie and to praise him for the role.

One said: "Literally the funniest part of the movie."

"A Superbad Legend," another commented.

A third wrote: "My fav scene, you are a legend."

A final resolved: "Bro a legend and an artist."

Margolis gets a residual cheque from the film every quarter.
@caseymargolis_/ TikTok

In one of his latest videos, Margolis reminds 'not all of' the residual cheques are 'bangers'.

"They're not throwing me $10,000 (£8,300) here and there. Sometimes they're pretty low," he added.

When questioned by a follower if he still draws, Margolis noted he can neither 'confirm nor deny' but did admit he regrets not keeping any of the d**k drawings from the set of the film.

Featured Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing/ @caseymargolis_/ TikTok

Topics: Film and TV, TikTok, Social Media, Viral, Money