Fans are losing it over the real reason Maggie was scanned during The Simpsons title sequence.
We've all heard some crazy things about The Simpsons, one minute the show's seemingly predicting Trump's presidency, then the Metaverse, and even Covid.
While we thought we were just about done being surprised by the series, here comes another revelation – the real reason Maggie was scanned during the title sequence.
It turns out Maggie being scanned was an easter egg for eagle-eyed fans when the show started; more specifically, the fact that the price of $847.63 flashes up on the register.
Why's this price important? Well, as Matt Groening previously confirmed, in the year The Simpsons was released (1989) the estimated monthly cost of raising a child in the US was – you guess it – $847.63.
However, if you look at newer episodes of the show, the number has been changed to something else entirely, Screen Rant reports.
Marge's total shopping bill is set at $243.26 before Maggie passes through, it then doubles to $486.52.
This clearly isn't the cost of raising a kid in 2022, but instead of updating the figure, The Simpsons team decided to show Maggie doubling the price, emphasising the cost of running a baby, without using figures that would quickly change.
Naturally, people took to Twitter to share their shock, with one user sharing a gif that said 'you just blew my mind'.
Others, however, where a little less surprised: "To this day I can recite exactly what the cash register says when Maggie is scanned during the opening credits of The Simpsons. And that’s my only talent."
And, honestly, we'd say that's a pretty impressive talent because we have the memory of a goldfish.
Meanwhile, others wondered why the cost had changed: "The question of life? what does it say on the cash register screen when Maggie gets scanned in the opening Simpsons thingy."
Another asked: "How much does a baby cost to raise for one month in 2022?" To which someone hilariously responded, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it."
Still, others weren't convinced by the figure, as one user wrote: "One month?! You mean a year, right?"
But, as one user pointed out, it 'doesn't count all the effort if it were outsourced. People really underestimate the cost of the physical effort'.
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Topics: Film and TV, The Simpsons