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Rapper Lil Fizz is trending on social media after alleged explicit video from his OnlyFans is leaked

Rapper Lil Fizz is trending on social media after alleged explicit video from his OnlyFans is leaked

The rapper has shot up in search across social media since the explicit footage was shared

Lil' Fizz is trending on social media after a video allegedly from his OnlyFans was leaked.

The rapper, real name Dreux Frédéric, shot up on search over the past few days when a piece of x-rated footage began doing the rounds.

In the clip, a man can be seen showing off his rear.

Accounts that have been sharing the clip around have claimed that the man in question is the 37-year-old Fizz.

And it's left a lot of people with a lot of questions.

"Why am I’m looking at Lil' Fizz bussy??!!" asked one user.

Photos and a video allegedly of Lil Fizz were posted online.

Another commented: "Stop putting lil fizz booty hole on my tl wth!!?"

"I wish I had minded my business about that Lil' Fizz video… no one warned me," put a third.

While someone else added: "I just logged on real quick to see Lil' Fizz booty."

However, despite the hysteria surrounding the purported leaks, Lil' Fizz has come out and denied that it has anything to do with him.

In a post to Instagram, he said that it was people trying to 'destroy' him.

"This is crazy, the levels these chicks will go to, to try and destroy and ruin you," he wrote.

He continued: "Wow unbelievable! Ya'll have a happy holiday, that is NOT ME!"

This comes after Stephen Bear was found guilty of sharing private sexual photos and videos of his ex-girlfriend Georgia Harrison.

Stephen Bear was convicted of sharing private sexual photos and videos of his ex-girlfriend without her knowledge.
PA Images/Alamy

The UK reality TV star was accused of secretly filming himself having having sex with Georgia and subsequently sharing the footage to his OnlyFans.

Bear, 32, and 27-year-old Georgia were caught on film by the defendant's CCTV cameras in his garden in Loughton, Essex back in August 2020.

Georgia, who waved her right to anonymity, claimed that she did not know that they were being filmed and told Bear not to share the video when she found out.

However, she claimed that he then shared it on WhatsApp and online.

While he denied any wrongdoing, Bear was found guilty of two counts of disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress, and a further two counts of voyeurism.

He will be sentenced on 31 January 2023.

Featured Image Credit: airfizzo/TikTok

Topics: US News, Rap, Music, Entertainment, Twitter, Viral, Social Media, Crime