Madonna was left feeling red-faced after accidentally calling out one of her concert-goers.
The 65-year-old 'Vogue' singer is currently on her Celebration Tour across the US, and a rather awkward moment occurred at one of her recent gigs.
In a viral video that's been doing the rounds online, Madonna addressed the audience and urged fans to 'take this ride with me'.
She proceeded to ask one person in the crowd: "What are you doing sitting down over there?"
The singer then walked to the edge of the stage to hear what her fan was saying.
Learning that they were sat down because they were a wheelchair-user, an embarrassed Madonna said: "Oh, okay. Politically incorrect. Sorry about that."
"I'm glad you're here," she added.
People have since criticized Madonna for her comments, insisting that it's none of her business if someone's sitting down - whether they're in a wheelchair or not.
One person wrote on Reddit: "Even if that person wasn't in a wheelchair, maybe just having bad knees or whatever, how tf is that anybody's business?"
"Girl, bye. People are paying good money to see you, don’t disrespect them like that," fumed another.
Sharing their own experiences, another person said: "I went to a concert a couple of months after going through surgery and chemo and couldn’t stand the whole time. I would’ve been mortified to be called out like this.
"Disability is not always evident. It shouldn’t matter if they were in a wheelchair or not."
Someone else went as far as labelling Madonna as 'insufferable', while another described the clip itself as 'painful'.
UNILAD has contacted Madonna's reps for comment.
This isn't the only faux pas the singer's had on her ongoing tour; last month Madonna ended up decking it during one of her performances.

While singing 'Open Your Heart', the pop icon was being dragged along the stage in chair when the dancer pulling her tripped up.
Madonna was then tipped out of her seat and fell on the floor.
She had the 'perfect response' to the incident though and simply laughed it off as she continued the song.
The videographer on stage was quick to check if she was okay, and it didn't look like she'd sustained any injuries.
And of course, everyone remembers that infamous moment at the 2015 Brit Awards where the singer was pulled downstairs by her own cape.
At the time, Madonna said that everyone was worried that it was going to slide off so it was tied 'really tight'.
"So here I am marching in like the Queen, I got to the top of the stairs and I pulled the silky string and it wouldn’t come undone. My two lovely Japanese dancers, they basically strangled me off the stage.
"I could either be strangled or fall, and I chose to fall.”