People have claimed they were left ‘traumatized’ by the music video of a popular song.
Despite being branded as one of the 500 greatest songs of all time by the Rolling Stone, the music video has spooked a whole generation of kids.
I think we can all remember a song or video that freaked us out as kids, 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson springs to mind for me.
But the video that everyone is reminiscing about was for a 70s song so iconic you're bound to know it... unless you've blocked out the memory because it scarred you so much.

The music video in question was made for 'Another Brick In The Wall' by Pink Floyd, and was even nominated for a Grammy Award in 1980.
It's a protest song featuring a children’s choir, but what happens to children in the video has stuck with kids forever.
In the video, rows of children entered a meat grinder, and had their heads replaced with faceless masks.
No wonder these adults have been left scarred!
It was set in a ‘chilling’ industrial factory, with low lighting and smoke - perfect for any horror movie.

Along with the terrifying scenes, Pink Floyd also included clips of teachers spanking children, with close-ups of their faces screaming at children to behave.
The focus of the song is rebelling against the education system, with the famous lyrics: “We don’t need no education / We don’t need no thought control / No dark sarcasm in the classroom / Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone.”
People have come together online to talk about how ‘terrifying’ they remember the video being when they were a child.

In the YouTube comment section of the music video, one person wrote: “I remember seeing this video on TV as a child and it scared the hell out of me.
“Especially the kids falling into the meat machine, it still gives me chills to this day.”
Another said: “I will forever remember how my dad played this when I was little.
“The imagery of this album will forever be burned into my mind.”
It’s clear that the video had the effect Pink Floyd were going for, as hundreds commented that it gave them ‘goosebumps’ and ‘nightmares’.
Other fans had a different takeaway message about how ‘important’ the lyrics were at the time.
One said: “This is what my nightmares were about when I was a kid.
“Now that I’ve grown up [its] just awesome music, but since I wasn’t able to see the meaning and the beauty of this song it really traumatized the sh** out of me.”