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Terrifying moment 'Gator Crusader' feeds alligators hot dogs from his mouth

Terrifying moment 'Gator Crusader' feeds alligators hot dogs from his mouth

The 'Gator Crusader' has gone viral for his dangerous stunts

It's always nice having a special relationship with animals, whether that be a dog, cat or a less common pet.

However, one animal you wouldn't expect humans to have such a close bond with is the alligator.

However, self-titled 'Gator Crusader' Michael Womer appears to have a very special connection with the reptiles, as he feeds them hot dogs with his own mouth and handles them blindfolded.

The fearless wildlife lover is even on a mission to let the world know that 'alligators are awesome'.

Michael Womer loves alligators. (YouTube/TheGatorCrusader)
Michael Womer loves alligators. (YouTube/TheGatorCrusader)

Michael, from Florida, claims he's not weird, despite his bizarre antics.

His stunts are incredibly dangerous, but - luckily - nothing has gone horrifically wrong as of yet.

He even dresses up for the occasion, sometimes wearing as little as just a pair of swimming trucks when he's interacting with the mammoth creatures.

Having dreamt about training alligators since the age of seven, Michael is now hoping to see more people become comfortable with the animals.

And his story has certainly garnered a lot of attention, with Michael even being named 'Florida Man of the Year' by a news station in central Florida.

His stunts have gone viral thanks to his popular YouTube channel and a number of TV appearances in the US and across the globe.

Do not try this at home. (YouTube/TheGatorCrusador)
Do not try this at home. (YouTube/TheGatorCrusador)

Speaking in an interview with Good Morning Britain in 2017, Michael discussed his love for alligators.

He told hosts Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway: "When I was seven years old I saw an alligator show. I was fascinated, I forgot all my problems, while I was watching this man with this dinosaur I forgot all my worries.

"I remembered thinking I want to make other people feel that way, for a few minutes feel relaxed and be entertained."

"I definitely want people to know I’m pretty crazy but I’m not just a weird guy who goes to the wild and tries this. These are alligators I have worked with for years. A lot of the training involves building a bond with them," he added.

"When it comes to holidays I will stay in their pen with them, New Year's Eve I don’t go out with everyone else and party.

"I stay in the pen and sing songs to them because I know the fireworks in the sky would possibly scare them. I re-enact movies to them and sing songs to them."

Featured Image Credit: TheGatorCrusador/YouTube

Topics: Animals, Florida, Nature, World News