For most people, the thought of seeing a shark's fin lurking in the water is something out of a nightmare.
But for Evan Parness, it was a reality when he was stalked by a huge hammerhead recently. Check it out for yourself:
Evan was out off the coast of Florida when he spotted the large fin making its way through the water by him and his group of pals.
In footage shared to his Instagram account, the massive creature can be seen lurking beneath the waves, creeping towards the swimmers.
A drone captured the entire encounter from above. At first, the hammerhead, which Evan claimed measured 14ft and weighed around 1,000lbs, appears to make a beeline for him and his friends, going straight towards them,
However, at the last second, it suddenly changes direction, instead turning left and arching away from them.

Reacting to the tense moment, Evan said it was something he'd never forget.
"This was easily the most intense clip I’ve ever filmed," he explained.
"Thankfully, I had the drone up in the air. This video is obviously slowed down, but while this was going down in real time, it felt like it was in slow motion while I was watching it live on my screen.
"Especially since these are my friends lol @gar ret_ruonavaara @bladewarren_ & crew handled this cool as ice! Especially since they were able to see the shark's massive dorsal fin the entire time, coming straight at them."
Evan went on: "When you come down to FL on vacation, don’t rule out a massive hammerhead checking you out!
"As this was unfolding, I didn’t know exactly what was going to happen.
"I was expecting the shark to turn earlier than it did, but clearly, it wanted to fully investigate the Michigan bros.

"Since this was a Great hammerhead, I knew the odds of something bad happening were slim. But at the end of the day, nature is unpredictable and anything can happen.
"Thankfully, this beast just wanted to see what was going on and once he realized it wasn’t what he was looking for.. (blacktip sharks) he got on his way.
"While sharks have a bad reputation and people demonize them, this video is just more proof that we’re not on their menu and they really don’t want anything to do with us.
"This shark could’ve easily killed someone if it wanted to.
He added: "A moment I’ll never forget!"