Ever wanted to hear a whale imitating a human?
I can't say it's a long-held desire for me personally, but it's happened, so why not give it a listen? Though be warned, some of the sounds might give you nightmares.
The recordings come from research into orcas' ability to mimic human speech, which found - in case you couldn't tell from the recording - that killer whales are able to copy us with a fair amount of success.
Josep Call, a co-author of the study published in 2018, explained the researchers wanted to see 'how flexible a killer whale can be' when it comes to copying sounds they're not used to.
"We thought what would be really convincing is to present them with something that is not in their repertoire - and in this case ‘hello’ [is] not what a killer whale would say," Call said, per The Guardian.
Wikie the whale succeeded in mimicking a number of human sounds. (Abramson et. al/CBS News) The team carried out the research by first training a 14-year-old orca named Wikie to copy three familiar orca sounds made by her three-year old calf, then exposing her to five orca sounds she had never heard before.
Finally, Wikie heard a human make three orca sounds, then six human sounds including the words 'hello', 'Amy', 'ah ha', 'one, two' and 'bye bye'.
After listening to Wikie's responses, the team found that the orca was able to quickly copy the sounds, including nailing two of the human utterances on the first attempt.
Recordings of Wikie capture her attempts to mimic the human speaking to her, and while admittedly some of the attempts sound like they've come from a terrifying goblin, others are eerily accurate.
Listeners have been left unnerved by the recordings, with one viewer commenting: "The hello sounded demonic."
Another joked: "OK, that second hello was a little demonic. Was that really an orca, or the Devil speaking through a ghost box LOL The funniest and scariest thing EVER! That’s my day, can’t stop laughing my head off lol."
But as demonic as the recordings might sound, other viewers have pointed out just how amazing it is to hear the whale mimic humans.
"This makes me tear up, the fact that we live in a such a beautiful world filled with wonderful creatures," one person wrote.
While only one human sound given to Wikie - 'hello' - was correctly produced more than 50 percent of the time on subsequent trials, the findings offered the first evidence that orcas may be learning sounds by vocal imitation.
Wikie the whale has impressed people with her sounds. (Abramson et al/CBS News) "This is something that could be the basis of the dialects we observe in the wild - it is plausible,” Call said.
Wikie's responses are made even more impressive by the fact her vocal apparatus is so different to humans'.
Call said: "Even though the morphology [of orcas] is so different, they can still produce a sound that comes close to what another species, in this case us, can produce."
That being said, Call added: "We have no evidence that they understand what their ‘hello’ stands for."
Though the research with Wikie has offered some initial insight, Call noted that more trials would need to be carried out with wild orcas to learn more about how they learn sounds.