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Terrifying simulation shows how to defend yourself in a shark attack but people say it's 'too hard'

Terrifying simulation shows how to defend yourself in a shark attack but people say it's 'too hard'

Let's hope if you ever do encounter a shark, you can pull off these moves to get away safely

If you have the boldness to get into the ocean with all manner of fierce animals, it's best to know how to defend yourself against them if the worst was to happen.

But after seeing a terrifying simulation showing how to defend oneself against a shark, people are saying it's asking a bit much.

I’ll be honest and say I have never had a fight with a shark. In fact, I count my blessings each day on how few shark attacks I've had to deal with.

With that being said, if I did get jumped by a shark, it helps to know how to increase my chances of survival.

Which is exactly what this viral simulation hoped to teach viewers.

All the same, do your best to avoid tussling with a shark (Getty Stock Image)
All the same, do your best to avoid tussling with a shark (Getty Stock Image)

YouTube channel Zack D. Films uploaded a video to the channel a few months ago which demonstrates how to survive a shark attack but a lot of people aren’t convinced they would manage it.

The simulation shows a man in the deep ocean, showcasing just how you should defend yourself against a shark.

The narrator in the video said: “Punching and kicking the eyes and gills can be an effective way to defend yourself during a shark attack.

“This can deter the shark from continuing its attack.”

So yeah, do your best to swing and aim while under water, I guess.

The narrator continued: “Also maintain strong eye contact as much as possible as this may cause the shark to lose interest.

“If it does lose interest, slowly and calmly back away towards safety keeping your movements smooth to avoid splashing.”

Sounds easy enough, but I reckon between the screams of terror you might struggle to keep calm and aim for the gills of the animal.

It seemed people on social media also agreed, as they remarked just how hard it would be for them to successfully pull this off.

“Trying to punch underwater is like trying to throw a punch in your dream,” one YouTube user wrote.

People were less convinced they could pull of the needed moves underwater (Getty Stock Image)
People were less convinced they could pull of the needed moves underwater (Getty Stock Image)

“Punching and kicking underwater is way too f**king hard. It’s like if pillows had fists,” added another.

“My man really just said “If you want to survive a shark attack…. you gotta fight the shark, lol,” a third commented.

“I will calmly think about your advice when I'm being eaten,” another wrote.

But hey, it is better to know and never need than to be wondering what would have happened if you had paid more attention in shark boxing class.

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/Zack D. Films/Getty/Stephen Frink

Topics: Shark, Animals