Immigration to a settlement in Paraguay has ramped up as anti-vaxxers have fled there amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The colony, known as El Paraíso Verde, or the Green Paradise, offers immigrants a safe haven away from 'socialist trends or current economic and political situations worldwide'.
It is made up of mainly German, Austrian, and Swiss immigrants, who live inside its nearly 1,600-hectare (4,000-acre) gated community.
The owners predict the number of occupants is set to rise from 150 to 3,000 as anti-vaxxers have been flocking to it for refuge away from '5G, chemtrails, fluoridated water, mandatory vaccinations and healthcare mandates'.
According to its website, the settlement is the largest project of its kind in South America.
The colony was first established in 2016, 'with the dream of a better life and future outside of the 'matrix'.'
'We were guided to our Paraiso so our vision would have room to flourish. We have found the place where we can live in our state of truth and lift the constructed veil perpetuated by the mainstream media and most societies. With over six square miles of land, clean air, and pure water, El Paraiso Verde is set for a green, sustainable way of life. Our green paradise has become a refuge for 'conservative free thinkers', for non-conformists and for those looking to live their best life on their terms,' it states.
In an interview, some of the compound's residents noted the influx in immigrants to El Paraíso Verde as being a result of coronavirus raising an 'alarm bell' about vaccinations.
Concerns about mandatory vaccinations appeared to be widespread in the colony, after one man explained his fears for his child's safety in relation to the measles vaccine.
'In the meantime, the measles vaccination is mandatory in Germany, as you may know yourself, the measles vaccination has been enforced. It was like we had a friend who got the child back paralyzed and disabled after the vaccination. And we knew we had to protect not only ourselves but our child as well,' he said.
Other parts of Paraguay have also seen a rise in immigrants who have moved there out of fear of the coronavirus vaccine, with a city located in the east, named Caazapá, having seen a total of 101 new German residents in 2021, compared to just four in 2019, The Guardian reports.
A German citizen who works with El Paraíso Verde observed a series of cited discredited conspiracy theories regarding the vaccine as a reason for a rise in immigration.
They explained that the country is attractive to Germans who want to 'escape the matrix' and 'deep state and one world order' because of its relaxed immigration laws.
'Many older people are coming. They understand that many people are dying in care homes [after vaccination]. And the others, in their 40s, are trying to bring their children over here to escape,' they said.
While Paraguay has clear health protocols in place, on its YouTube channel, Paraíso Verde has shared videos with titles such as, 'The Hour of Truth,' where settlers 'have their say' about the pandemic.
From claiming to have 'miracle cures' for coronavirus, to alleging that the pandemic is 'non-existent' and saying
Paraguay is a country without pandemic restrictions – despite governmental health protocols in place – some videos show the colony hosting parties in blatant violation of restrictions.
In June 2021, Paraguay had the world's highest Covid death rate per capita, The Guardian reports.
Head of public health in Caazapá, Dr Nadia Riveros, reflected, 'We don’t want to go through that again. I think foreigners, wherever they’re from, should have to get vaccinated before entering the country'.
Despite the colony's disproven conspiracy theories, members of Paraíso Verde are said to have links to economic and political power.
Former president of Caazapá town council, Gladys Rojas, said, 'They've got politicians and money on their side.'
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