NFL star Colin Kaepernick has issued a damning accusation against the white parents that adopted him.
He claims they 'perpetuated racism' while he lived in their home.
Kaepernick was adopted as baby by Wisconsin couple Rick and Teresa Kaepernick.
They moved from Fond du Lac to Turlock, California when he was four-years-old.
They had two biological children, who unfortunately died due to congenital heart defects, before they adopted the baby who would grow up to be the controversial NFL player who led the charge with the take-a-knee movement.
The 35-year-old civil rights activist told CBS while he knew his adoptive parents 'loved him', he experienced 'very problematic' things' growing up.
“I know my parents loved me. But there were still very problematic things that I went through,” he said.
“I think it was important to show that, no, this can happen in your own home, and how we move forward collectively while addressing the racism that is being perpetuated."
He went on to claim his adoptive mother told him cornrows were unprofessional.
Colin alleged they told him the hairstyle made him look 'like a little thug'.
But, he said those experiences have helped shape who he is today.
“Those become spaces where it’s like, ‘Okay, how do I navigate the situation now?’ But it also has informed why I have my hair long today,” Kaepernick told CBS.
His white parents have never spoken publicly about his advocacy for civil rights.
According to the Daily Mail, his father previously called Colin's adoption process 'smooth'."
"It all went really smoothly. I know it's not usually that smooth with adoptions, but it was," he said.
"Colin never had any adoption issues at all. The only difference is his skin is a little bit browner than ours."
His mother added, as per the Daily Mail: "I'll never forget that day. They brought him in an infant carrier and set him down. The birth mother was there."
"I looked at her and she nodded and I just picked him up out of the carrier. The minute I picked him up, I just cried," she said.
'We gave her a big hug. And she needed a couple more minutes. And then we left."
Topics: Colin Kaepernick, Racism, News, US News