Thieves who stole a credit card and used it to purchase a winning lottery ticket are being urged to come forward so they can share the winnings with the victim.
Jean-David E, who has been identified via police documents, had his backpack stolen earlier this month, which contained the credit card used to purchase the winning ticket.
The thief ultimately went to buy a scratch card using the card in the French city of Toulouse, a card that ultimately saw the thief win a life-changing €500,000 ($523,000).
Once Jean-David realized his card had been stolen, he contacted his bank and asked them to block it, but by then, the ticket had already been purchased.
Local reports say two homeless men purchased the ticket, but are yet to claim the prize.

The two men purchased €52.50 ($55) worth of goods using the stolen credit card, including that of the winning scratch card.
Pierre Debuisson, the victim's lawyer, said: "They were so totally happy that they forgot their cigarettes and their belongings and walked out like crazy people."
Jean-David has filed a police complaint, but is willing to withdraw it if the thieves share the winnings, according to the lawyer.
"It’s an incredible story, but it’s all true," Debuisson added. Speaking directly to the thieves, he added: "You risk nothing. We will share with you. And you would be able to change your lives. Time is working against us."
The ticket will eventually expire, though the thieves do, of course, risk being arrested if they have their names out there.
Lottery operator La Francaise des Jeux has since frozen the winning scratch card, while a police investigation continues, the Metro reports.
While Jean-David is hoping to make a deal with the thieves so they can all enjoy the massive winnings, he concedes officials could null and void the ticket as it's essentially been illegally obtained.

Speaking to local newspaper La Dépêche, Jean-David said: "It’s out of the question they [the lottery provider] cancel it because it was bought with a stolen card.
"Those in possession of it don’t need to worry: our proposal is simple, without my client’s money they wouldn’t have won, without them my client wouldn’t have won. It’s only logical to share it."
As the ticket was purchased on February 3, time is running out for the winnings to be claimed as La Francaise des Jeux gives 30 days from date of purchased until the winning card expires.