Love him or hate him, surely we can all agree that Donald Trump chats pure s**t all the time.
The former President of the United States isn't a big fan of accountability; however, he absolutely adores taking credit in whatever way he can.
One of his more bizarre unsubstantiated claims is that he singlehandedly brought the term 'Merry Christmas' back to Americans. He Made America Merry Christmas Again (MAMCA).

During an interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on a Newsmax Christmas special last year, Trump claimed he brought back the common saying.
According to The Mirror, the 76-year-old said: "The country had started with this 'woke' a little bit before that, and it was embarrassing for stores to say 'Merry Christmas'.
"You'd see these big chains, they want your money but they don’t want to say 'Merry Christmas.' And they'd use reds and they'd use whites and snow but they wouldn't say 'Merry Christmas'.
"When I started campaigning, I said, 'You're going to say Merry Christmas again.' And now people are saying it.
"That was a big part of what I was doing, I would say it all the time during that period … I tell you, we brought it back very quickly."
But while he may reckon that he brought Merry Christmas back to Americans, he nearly killed Santa Claus for one seven-year-old.
Back on Christmas Eve in 2018, Trump and his wife Melania were taking part in a festive tradition, whereby they took calls from children ringing the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Santa tracker, seeking updates on the fat bearded bloke's progress.
One such child was Collman Lloyd, from Lexington, South Carolina, and none other than The Donald took the call.

Now, of course, over-the-phone small talk between a guy in his seventies and a seven-year-old stranger is always going to be awkward, but Trump could've perhaps fallen back on some classic conversation starters: what do you want for Christmas? Are you excited? Do you prefer Republicans or Democrats? That kind of thing.
However, Trump elected for none of the above, preferring instead to inadvertently undermine the entire purpose of the call.
"Are you still a believer in Santa?" he asked. "Because at seven, it's marginal, right?"
Thankfully, the question didn't shake Collman's belief - largely because she'd never heard the word 'marginal' before.
She simply replied, 'Yes, sir,' and confirmed to The Post and Courier that Santa had indeed devoured the iced sugar cookies and chocolate milk she's left out for Santa.
So there was nothing marginal about it, thank you very much Donald.
Topics: US News, Celebrity, Donald Trump, Politics, Christmas